Your final good -bye have you made plans


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Nov 30, 2016
Have you did any planning for death besides wills etc.. Have you decided on church funeral, cremation, graveside burial or no service.

Do you have things pre-paid and plot bought and obit written out etc.

I will start by saying I do have a couple plots bought but not sure if I want to be buried there or buried somewhere else. I also haven't ruled out cremation.

It is something I really don't want to plan but I will have a plan if I can.
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I've told DW to double bag me and put me out on heavy garbage day. Obit would say "Who?"
Got DH to finally put all the paperwork into place in 2012. He didn't want to talk about it, but I said the government would get all our $ if we didn't get it all set up. That was enough to finally get him going. Everything is in writing about what we want. Since he is a veteran we will be cremated and ashes put in together in our local national cemetery. Not paid for since all that will be have to paid for is our cremation. Kids can take care of that one.

Let's face it, we will all go out of this world at some point in our life. Just hard facing it.
So far I have it to the point where I've asked them to unplug me and plug me back in again, see if that does anything.

After that, I'm hoping I'll be insanely rich enough to be cremated and have SpaceX bury me on Mars.
I probably should. I have all the legal stuff in place although it needs some minor tweaking with DH gone. We knew he was more likely to predecease me so the defaults if I don't get things updated are fine as they are.

DS and DDIL know I want to be cremated and whatever remains of DH's ashes will be commingled with mine. (I'll be scattering some of his in my travels.) No idea where I want them to go- not a big concern. I just don't want an expensive in-ground burial and DS won't do that. He was fine with having his father cremated and scattered over the Atlantic. I might want to write down some funeral wishes- DS and I are in different stripes of Christianity and I might end up with praise music and grape juice at communion instead of incense and "Ave Maria". Not that I believe it will make any difference in where my soul reposes.
Not a simple project. Used a legal program to complete. Finalized with having it notarized, and have slept better ever since. Not too serious, until you consider the alternative.
A work in progress for me. Started last year. Continuing making plans this year.
I have a note to my son in my file of where my investments are and other stuff for settling my estate that he can do what he prefers. If he wants a gravesite to visit or an urn to keep, fine with me, otherwise he can scatter my ashes on the mountain behind my house. Maybe I'll change my mind at some point and if so, I'll update that but it seems to me that it's more a place for the living to visit, or not.
Short and sweet, nothing ambiguous that could possibly be misconstrued.

Indeed, usually the best tactic. As for the Waffle House...

The Waffle House hash browns come six ways: Traditional; Scattered & Smothered (Onions); Scattered, Smothered & Covered (Onions and Melted Cheese); Scattered, Smothered, Covered & Chunked (Onions, Cheese and Ham); Scattered, Smothered, Covered, Chunked & Topped (Onions, Cheese, Ham & Chili; Scattered, Smothered, ...
For the most part we have done everything except updating of wills....
We will be cremated, purchased our plot and will be combined, just as we did with my parents..... The headstone plaque is paid paid for, along with the words are picked.... Only thing one of the kids will need to do is put the final well, pay for the cremation.....with the money they will inherit ..... Pretty simple process.....
I have a printout from Google Earth with the lat and long of where I want my ashes scattered. It is the same place I scattered my late wife's ashes at sea.
I'll probably be cremated and buried at the Washington's Crossing National Cemetery in last veteran's benefit. They don't take reservations, so we'll probably have to prepay a funeral home for the cremation and let them make the arrangements with the VA. I'll also have a Catholic service if anyone is still around to come.
I want to be cremated and scattered in the ocean close to a favourite childhood haunt. This may require a helicopter. No religious services, please, but no expense spared on the flowers. This is documented in my letter to my executors, which I last updated in 2016. My executors are a close family friend who is much younger than me, backed up by my bank's estate division. I don't care how much it costs, because I'll be dead.
Like I said I do have a couple of plots but nothing else done. My wife isn't very keen on doing any obit or hasn't told me what she would want when that time comes. That is one thing that we need to do and to talk about it sometime.

I want simple and a short very short obit and leaning towards a graveside few words and in the hole I go. I really am considering cremation and would like remains scattered in the badlands and in the badlands I own along the river.

I told my wife before that when I die my sprit will fly across the river and I will be in my happy hunting grounds and there you will find me. Lol That is where my heart is so I will need to decide at some time. Lol
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DW and I already have nooks/crypt style spaces at a cemetery. The same place her grandparents and parents have urns.
I actually have a plot next to my late husband but I wrote in my instructions to cremate me and either bury me in that plot or scatter me on a tropical beach .
all legal stuff done in in our 30s and updated periodically, including three years ago.

Directions/preferences are donation to medical school anatomy lab, if remains remain suitable. (DW loved anatomy and oversaw/assisted PT and nursing students through the cadaver lab in summer after first year med.)

Otherwise, cremate and do whatever survivors would like; we don't expect to care.
We bought two nitch spaces in the church columbarium where DW's ashes were placed. DW worked at the church and my kids played there after school through grade school. It was very important to DD that arrangements were made for both of us at the time of DW's funeral. DD is executor for me so all will work. I just dug the contract for the columbarium out of storage and put a copy with the will and POA this week just to make sure there would be no issues when the time comes.
Obits are expensive if you put them into a traditional newspaper. I wrote DH's in his last hours. It was about 250 words and cost $500 to publish for one day. No picture. I was pretty horrified but DH and his crowd were old-fashioned types for whom that would be important so I did it. I understood, though, why Dad put an obit in the local paper when Mom died containing only brief details and a link to the more extensive one on the funeral home page.
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