Your Stats

Age: 53
Retired: 10 glorious months
Sex: F
Status: Married 15years 3months, 2 kids not launched yet.
Age: 60
Retired: in 249 days
Sex: all too infrequently
Gender: M
Status: been there, done that, lost the shirt...
Age: 65
Retired: at 54, 57, and for good at 63
Gender: M
Status: Married 31 years
Age: 57 in May
Retired: 2 years in May
Sex: M
Staus: Married- 14 years
Age: 57
Retired: 5 years
Sex: Male
Status: Happily single but impressed with all the long term marriages being listed. Must be another good side effect of ER.

Good observation but I don't think it is a side effect, more one of the reasons for ER.

I would think starting over with half or less of your nest egg at age 40-50 could put a real kibosh on FIRE plans.
Age: 58
Retired: 2 years
Sex: M
Status: Married 40 years in July. No kids.

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I would think starting over with half or less of your nest egg at age 40-50 could put a real kibosh on FIRE plans.

How about less than 1/2 (community property does not guarantee 50% each). It happened to me at 49. That's why I had to work past normal retirement age.
Age: 50
Retired: 2 years coming on June 1st.
Sex: M
Status: Married 22 yrs. 1 son at home in college. 1 daughter/grand-daughter married - out of the house. 1 "darling" mother-in-law in the basement...;)
Age: 57
Retired: hopefully in 18 months
Sex: M
Status: Married 22 yrs; no kids (allergic to them)
Age: 57
Retired: aiming for 11-2016
Sex: F
Status: Married 36 years
Age: 57
Retired: Currently targeting June 2017 (unless MegaCorp decides before that date)
Sex: M
Status: Married 31 years
Last edited:
Age: 65
Retired: 12 years
Sex: M
Status: 27 years of wedded bliss
Age: 53
Retired: not yet. 2 more years or sooner
Sex: M
Status: married 29 years

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
Age: 42
Retired: 2 months
Sex: F
Status: single, but taken
Age: 62
Retired: 14 months
Sex: M
Status: married 41 years this August
Age: 50
Retired: Not yet
Sex: Female
Status: Married, 2nd Time Around, 9 years
Age: 64

Retired: 7 years

Sex: yes, I mean M

Married 22 years

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum
Age: 51
Retired: -4 to -14 years
Gender: M
Staus: Married 25 years
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