Another FIRE article - the Guardian


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 16, 2006

Focused on the UK, but still features MMM and Suze Orman in a bit part as a villain. There's nothing new in this piece, but thought someone new to FIRE may benefit from reading it.

My favorite quote is from this guy aptly named Shakespeare:

. “I personally think of Fire less in terms of polarity – ie, you’re either financially independent or not – and more in terms of stages,” he says. “For example, if someone is able to save a month’s salary, he is protected from events like a water heater going out or a car breakdown. If he saves six months, his ability to comfortably manoeuvre, say, a job change is much more powerful. A year’s savings gives a person the ability to take a year off, try to start a business, go back to school, etc. All these markers grant the individual greater power over, for lack of a better phrase, wage slavery. If you’ve got three years of wages in the bank you can make even bolder decisions.”
Nice. It puts a little perspective on our sheltered life here. Just imagine what you could do if you had 30 or 40 years wages tucked away.
Just saw the other thread.
Moderators : Please merge if possible. thanks.
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