First Quarter, 2007 Investment Returns


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 10, 2005
What was the return on your investment portfolio from 1/1/2007 to 3/31/2007?

I'm at 2.1%. That's with a mostly stock portfolio (~90-95%).
Roth: +4.3%, all equity

Mostly on the back of XLU, a utility ETF.
Roth- with two mutual funds (one a target date and one an international equity- only slight redundancy) brought me 2.3%.

-------------------------------------------------(Cheating edit)---------------------------------
(if you read below there will be discussion of "cheaters" waiting and counting a few good days- made me curious and now Ive gone and edited my post...)

postdating (as of 4/9/07) just 5 days into the second quarter has added 1.5%! For a YTD of 3.8%!

now i cant help but wonder what sort of horrible irony awaits me for posting such nonsense...
2.27%; 64.5% equities
2.6%, 78% equities
This forum is like Lake Wobegon. Everybody is above average,
International index is up around 4% for Q1 2007. I know I have a large allocation to international.
I'm up about 2.8% for the first quarter. I'm not complaining, especially after that little hiccup we had back in late Feb! :)
Don't know. Only check returns yearly when I draw out the funds needed and rebalance.
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