IRMAA SSA 44 self employed documentation


Dryer sheet aficionado
Jun 1, 2011
Hello all,
My husband did a very lucrative contract in 2021 and 2022. That contract pushed our income just over the IRMAA tier 1 for 2021 income. The contract ended August 2022 and this year (2022) the income will be below tier 1. I would like to submit a SSA 44 form informing the IRS of our new income. The instructions request documentation from your employer. He is his own employer so does he describe the situation and sign under the statement "I attest under penalty of purgery that the above statement is true".

Anybody run into a situation like this? Many thanks!
It seems that a copy of the contract agreement should be able to support the claim? If there was no written contract, then maybe a letter from whoever hired your DH confirming that the gig ended (and when) might be enough.
As it turns out the company my DH did the work for has closed (he was in charge of moving the facility equipment to the new owner's facility). The company who paid him has dissolved so no HR or management to ask for documentation. I can wait until we have the 2022 1040 complete and send that in but we would have already paid at least 4 months IIRMA. I think the IRS refunds IIRMA if they approve the SSA 44. Your thought?
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