Quicken Mobile or No Mobile?


Moderator Emeritus
Aug 23, 2007
Northern Illinois
I'm ready to start Quicken back up again after a year hiatus. I'm doing a different kind of setup this time, so I'm starting with a new install and new data file.

I'm wary of the Quicken Mobile option that syncs everything - from a privacy standpoint. In the past, I've downloaded csv of checking and credit card data, but entered investment info manually.

Are the Quicken users here using/comfortable with the Mobile/Web option or do you use it the old fashioned way?
I agree with the privacy concern. No syncing (Web or Mobile) for me. I prefer my data to reside only on my network.
No mobile for me- mainly because I have no use for it. I don't pay the download or sync fees.
I have not used the Mobile thinggy yet.

Thought about trying it to see what it does, but the way I use Quicken, my laptop screen is already not wide enough for me to see a big spreadsheet of my positions.
I haven't used since the Quicken sale. Found it kinda useless most of my CC wouldn't download. Plus didn't like my stuff in the cloud.
I've run Quicken for over 20 years. I downloaded the mobile app recently and found no value in it, deleted it, and turned off the sync to cloud function on the desktop version.
+ whatever... I don't use mobile either... initially based on security concerns but also I don't see a need for it.
Thanks everyone! You all confirmed my choice to set up manually. I did set up manually, but Quicken install really wants to set up accounts to download automatically.
I guess I misunderstood you... I have all accounts automatically update... you'd have to shoot me to get me to do it manually. I just do not use their mobile product (for phones or tablets)... laptop only.
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I just download qfx files from bank and credit card accounts and import into quicken. Not too much work. And like you my quicken data files are on my laptop. No phone / remote access to my quicken app.
Longtime Quicken user here. I DO let it download transactions from all of my financial accounts. I don't think I would use Quicken if it did not do that automatically. However, I DO NOT use the mobile app features. When they first added that capability (to upload my data into their cloud so I could view it on my mobile devices), I tried it out and found it was of little use to me. I don't need to see my data while on the road. I look at it every morning on my desktop computer and never again throughout the day. I can live without that visibility when I'm away on vacation for a week or two.
I guess I misunderstood you... I have all account automatically update... you'd have to shoot me to get me to do it manually. I just do not use their mobile product (for phones or tablets)... laptop only.

Longtime Quicken user here. I DO let it download transactions from all of my financial accounts. I don't think I would use Quicken if it did not do that automatically. However, I DO NOT use the mobile app features. When they first added that capability (to upload my data into their cloud so I could view it on my mobile devices), I tried it out and found it was of little use to me. I don't need to see my data while on the road. I look at it every morning on my desktop computer and never again throughout the day. I can live without that visibility when I'm away on vacation for a week or two.

+1 to both.
... Are the Quicken users here using/comfortable with the Mobile/Web option or do you use it the old fashioned way?
I do not have any financial apps or information or tools on my phone or my tablet and I never access financial or brokerage accounts. It's really a mystery to me why folks seem to want or need to fiddle with this stuff while "mobile."

An unrelated but relevant issue is that Quicken's owner, Intuit, is not a company that I consider to be trustworthy. I do use Quicken and probably they are spying on me that way but, for example, I wouldn't consider using TurboTax. I think it's only a matter of time before Intuit is in the news for selling confidential tax information, skimmed from TurboTax, to third parties.
An unrelated but relevant issue is that Quicken's owner, Intuit, is not a company that I consider to be trustworthy. I do use Quicken and probably they are spying on me that way but, for example, I wouldn't consider using TurboTax. I think it's only a matter of time before Intuit is in the news for selling confidential tax information, skimmed from TurboTax, to third parties.

Intuit no longer owns Quicken. They sold it off a couple years ago to a team of now-former Intuit employees. They are 2 separate companies now. Quicken is owned by Quicken, Inc.
Intuit no longer owns Quicken. They sold it off a couple years ago to a team of now-former Intuit employees. They are 2 separate companies now. Quicken is owned by Quicken, Inc.
Thanks, yes. Temporary brain fade. I had forgotten that, but at the time I looked up the management and it was the same Intuit guys. My conclusion was to remember that the apple does not fall far from the tree. These are the guys that converted Q to a subscription model that allows them to collect revenue whether they invest in the product or not. We'll see how that goes.
.... An unrelated but relevant issue is that Quicken's owner, Intuit, is not a company that I consider to be trustworthy. I do use Quicken and probably they are spying on me that way but, for example, I wouldn't consider using TurboTax. I think it's only a matter of time before Intuit is in the news for selling confidential tax information, skimmed from TurboTax, to third parties.

Certainly a risk, but I have been using both Quicken (with automatic downloading) and TurboTax for probably 20 years and never a problem.
I haven't used since the Quicken sale. Found it kinda useless most of my CC wouldn't download. Plus didn't like my stuff in the cloud.

Another one didn't get your question. I do download all my financial stuff to Quicken, CC, Bank, and Brokerage. I don't sync to the cloud or use the mobile app.
I've run Quicken for over 20 years. I downloaded the mobile app recently and found no value in it, deleted it, and turned off the sync to cloud function on the desktop version.

I second this. Whomever designed that for Quicken should be fired. Totally worthless.
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