Reality vs Fear

In a similar situation to OP, financially ok - the numbers say I am good to go, but after having worked for so long (and some time between jobs to realize the downside of not getting paid on a regular schedule) I have come to depend on a paycheck every 2 weeks.

Not getting a bi-weekly paycheck held me back from even thinking about making the leap - so I created some "buckets" at Vanguard and other fund companies to have my dividends/cap gains deposited into a cash MM account.

The plan is take 2 withdrawals per month from this account to simulate a paycheck - This gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling on the 1st and 15th and more importantly helps me stay within budget and not overspend accidentally.

Once I am comfortable with my expenses I can adjust the amount up or down for each "paycheck" - If my expenses are lower I plan to re-invest the excess back into the market - which is what I do now.

The above plan has lowered my anxiety considerably and I plan on making the leap next year (fingers crossed)

Goodluck to you!
Going without a paycheck was frightening to me and I’m sure to many early retirees retiring without pension or SS.

I certainly set up a monthly stream sent to our bank checking account and it “felt” like a paycheck and helped lessen the anxiety. Especially after a couple of years it was no big deal and felt normal.
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