Vanguard funds


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 1, 2005
I have heard a lot of talk and positive things about the Vanguard familey of funds. 
my stocks,bonds, i.r.a, roth etc is at Ryan Beck and Co.  in Philidelphia with my advisor.
~1.2 million

can i buy these funds with out commission thru Ryan Beck and co. with no commission, or do i need to start purchasing outside of this acct.

I am thinking of holding 7-10 funds...and forgetting about it while generating cash flow in about a year for Early retirement.
(with pt work)

bonds  /  short term, interm, and long term

also:  any recommodations to these funds.  I would like to generate a 4.5-5 % yeild while getting some appreciation.

30-40% stock
30-40% bond
10-20% muni
rest in cash

Thank you in advance.
wstu32 said:
I have heard a lot of talk and positive things about the Vanguard familey of funds. 
my stocks,bonds, i.r.a, roth etc is at Ryan Beck and Co.  in Philidelphia with my advisor.
~1.2 million

can i buy these funds with out commission thru Ryan Beck and co. with no commission, or do i need to start purchasing outside of this acct.
Well, Ryan Beck & Co would probably differ from our opinion, seeing as how Vanguard doesn't hand out commissions or soft-dollar reimbursement for their investment funds.

And even if they somehow did mess up and let you buy Vanguard funds in your account with them, they'd probably feel obligated to charge you an annual fee for their vigilant oversight of those wild-eyed fun-loving BogleBrennanheads.

Here's another option that may work with Vanguard. We have a brokerage account with Fidelity, including IRAs with no custodial fees. Tweedy, Browne was the custodian of our TBGVX-fund IRAs but insisted on charging $10/year per account no matter how much we invested with them. When I discovered that Fidelity would act as custodian for free (but additional purchases would cost a $75 transaction fee) we had Fidelity request that TB turn over custody of the IRAs to Fidelity. We're not buying any more TBGVX and Fidelity doesn't even charge us for selling shares or doing our Roth IRA conversions (unlike Tweedy).

So perhaps Vanguard would serve as broker/custodian for your Ryan, Beck holdings. You would just be transferring assets from one brokerage to another without actually causing a taxable event or generating cap gains. You might also shed the annual advisor's fees or commissions, although you'd have to be careful about back-end loads or surrender fees.
After many years of wandering around the investment desert, I stumbled into Vanguard a several years ago. I opened a TSM fund (taxable) just to get familiar with how they operated things. I was pleasantly surprised that they ran their fund family exactly like I thought a fund family should be run (low ER, do-it-yourself, give a lot of free advice).

After a while I realized that no other fund company would ever fit my thinking exactly like Vanguard did. I then moved over all of our investments, both taxable and tax-deferred, to them and would never think of making a change.

Difficult to recommend any funds as you did not indicate if your funds are part taxable or all tax-deferred. If you can live without the help of RB&Co, you should consider going directly to Vanguard and saving yourself a ton of expense fees and commissions. You should find no difficulty in finding 7-10 good funds that fit your needs.
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