Wind abatement credit on homeowners


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 19, 2006
San Francisco
This is a boring bit of information that just saved me $650 a year: if you live in a hurricane region, there is a special wind abatement inspection which includes things like a proper roof properly installed. If you pass muster you apply for the rebate which his routinely granted by most insurers.

In our case, we received a $650 credit on a $2500 annual premium (flood is separate) good forever while we live in this house. Call your agent for a list of certified inspectors.
Isn't that the one I told you about a few months ago and you said you didn't qualify?
Isn't that the one I told you about a few months ago and you said you didn't qualify?
Now that you mention it, yes it is. We changed homeowners insurance and not only was the standard premium less, but the wind thing now applies.

Sorry - I had forgotten about that - you definitely scooped me. Only reminders are that not all carriers allow this credit, and the inspector has to be certified to do this kind of inspection.
Given that the majority of Fla. HO policies are written by a state-run pool company after Allstate and other insurors withdrew, the real problem isn't with the price, but the probability that all claims won't be paid in the event of a big storm hitting a heavy pop. area. Citizens' Insurance lacks the reinsurance to cover all the exposures they have taken on. Also, they have problems paying claims......Citizens Insurance slow to pay, and lowballs settlements, critics charge -- South Florida

What sometimes happens when you have these kinds of inspection programs with lots of bucks at stake, is that some of the inspectors take some $$ on the side and people get the credit w/o doing the work. Just human nature....
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