"What are you saving for?" redux

It sucked. My wife is a moderate sci-fi watcher and she caught it last night. Her comment: "I can see why you hated it. That stunk".

I never watched babylon 5, just a little of the first episode when it first came out. I was pleased that someone had come up with the creative idea that instead of almost all aliens being humanoid bipeds with funny heads that they should have funny hair instead.
I watched the Star Trek finale this weekend too. It had to be the worst episode ever. I am ticked major big time. :rant:
Only one thing to tell these desecrators of the spirit of Star Trek:

"Hab SoSlI' Quch!" :mad: :D

.....what, your Klingon a little rusty? ;)
Martha said:
LOL, I even have typos in Klingon!

I just got back from the Klingon homeworld so I am fairly up to date on the (k)lingo . :duh:

How about "Braga and Berman, Blow Me!"

A lot of Voyager fans would drink to that .....

Geez, DH and I were out of town this weekend, so we haven't seen the tape yet ... maybe I should just chuck it  :confused:
Yeah, dont do it. I wish I could unwatch it.

Basically a number of things that held promise to happen were cleanly dispatched as never happening, a major character is killed for absolutely no good reason, and theres no good closure of the series provided.
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