Young Dreamers are Big Dreamers

Hmmm - very embarasing very embarasing. As temp(read jobshopper) doing the team formation thing in the 90's they had this really good looking blond Phd and fairly good looking brunette almost a full doc from Tulane test about thirty of us - I tested the strongest INTJ.

They picked about four of the strongest on the table(ESTP, etc, etc) and gave us a hypothetical 15 mil and 'off the top of your head what would you do.'

Put it in Vanguard Index funds and do what I'm doing now.

Still embarased over that one.


1. Move to Tonganoxie, Kansas

2. Buy a used tank/armored vehicle to chase tornado's - only as a hobby mind you.

3. Buy a 32 Ford hot rod for non tornado season and search for the yellow brick road.

heh heh heh - alternatively buy Saint's season tickets and move back to New Orleans.
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Move back?

Wanna buy my house? :2funny: Seriously, you don't need a whole lot of money to move back here. Lots of houses available for prices to fit any budget. Some are, er, a little moldy still.
(1) After some careful thought, I know what I would want to do: I would hire a BUTLER. Not the traditional "Jeeves", answering the door and underfoot. Nope, not that kind of butler.
Here's how it would work. For a fee (electronically transferred from my account to his), my butler would contract to have all the mowing and landscaping taken care of for my house and see to it that it was done properly. He would also have my house cleaned, my pool maintained, and he would deal with repairmen and a handiman as needed and wait for deliveries.
I think you've just described my life!

As the butler.

There are many times when a 2400 sq ft house and a one-third acre yard are still way too much. Their primary purpose is to provide a privacy standoff distance from the noisy neighbors...
Well, I'd start by toasting Aunt Matilda at a swanky party.....
Then I would RE and move to somewhere warmer.
RE no criminal record... If you do have a record it makes travel a bit of an issue. Even a DUI can keep us Canucks out of the USA. Same thing goes for some of the more desirable countries around the world. I'm sure there's ways to sneak in to wherever you want to get - but that's not for most people.

RE tank chasing tornado vehicle... Wow - this sounds awesome - if you ever do this please do send pics/video! Might be a good one to double as an ultimate Demolition Derby vehicle.

RE travel to North Korea: You can do it now, but it's a real pain in the butt. You need to be escorted everywhere - from what I understand (recently had a client on his way there) is that you'd be much better forging the stamp and hitting somewhere more fun ;)

RE Playboy mansion - Yes Please! That was in my top 10 list for sure!

RE Personal Assistant/Butler - These sound like they could almost be done by the same person. I just hired my first time Virtual Assistant @ about $500-600 per month. While he couldn't personally come and clean anything since he is in another country - he could certainly hire someone locally and organize and arrange to have these people paid. I haven't got him started researching my travel plans through Central America yet, but that's completely within something your assistant could do.

Depending on what your ER goals are - you can really offload a lot of tasks and start relaxing a little more, or using your time to do more higher earning tasks with a virtual assistant.

Awesome posts guys :) I'm feeling inspired!

1. My hubby would like to open a board game and card game shop. I think that'd be fun.

2. I would probably go to Greece and Israel, because those places look amazing.

3. Move back to Hawaii.
The reason I originally asked this, is that I think we all have dreams, but sometimes they seem a little too hard to grasp.

Lately, I've started to fix $$ amounts to some of those dreams and the actual cost of knocking a few of your 'top things to do before you die' list may really surprise you - especially if your top items are more experience based (travel, adventure, relaxing) rather than ownership based (cars, homes etc).

Eladio - I like how you said 'buy THAT place on Bainbridge Island' - I can see that the image of it is still lingering in your mind. I found my own 'THAT' place in Argentina while looking at property options in South and Central America... now, if I could only scrape up 1.1m USD to make it my own...
I've noticed that as this whole "retire early" midset takes root, my ambitions have become much less money-centric.

For example, the first thing I would do in this scenario is clean up the basement. Actually, that counts as three things, because its a big job.

There's no use hiring someone to do it for me. Only I know what is to be trashed and what is to be kept. I think it would take me less time to do it myself than it would to find someone else and boss them around. Besides, after dealing with people at work for so long, I'd rather just spend some time alone.:D
1. I would get an indepth physical -- All the easy blood work --- and body scans available without being invasive --

2. If I check out "a ok" I would go into training for 6 months to become as all-round fit as possible -- There would be alot of things I wanted to do at 40 yrs old that would be alot more enjoyable if i were in top shape.

3. Then I'd DO them!
I would of course retire after training someone new (I like my coworker too much to just quit).

Then my partner and I would take off backpacking and traveling. We'd do all the physical stuff we won't be able to do later.

Depending on the amount of money, I might just self insure so I wouldn't have to waste time researching health insurance policies.

I'd also help to fund my 53 year old brother's retirement as he just started putting 3% away to get the matching - yikes!
oooh, this is fun!
esp. since aunt matilda was long lost, which means you don't miss her much even though she's dead, which is I think the biggest disadvantage of receiving an inheritance.

I would switch to part time (yeah, as I get older, I kinda like going to work some days..... don't kick me off the board) and then enroll in art school and get an MFA.:D
Also, dh travels alot for his work, so ds and I would go along with him then(free hotel! and upgrades!), something which we rarely do now.
oooh, this is fun!
esp. since aunt matilda was long lost, which means you don't miss her much even though she's dead, which is I think the biggest disadvantage of receiving an inheritance.

I would switch to part time (yeah, as I get older, I kinda like going to work some days..... don't kick me off the board) and then enroll in art school and get an MFA.:D
Also, dh travels alot for his work, so ds and I would go along with him then(free hotel! and upgrades!), something which we rarely do now.

Wow, You're brutal. You've just become incredibly wealthy and you're going to let your sister stop working so the two of you can go hang out and party within gloating proximity of your husband who will still be forced to work full time?
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