System sometimes voids login status


Recycles dryer sheets
Jan 8, 2008
At times, I have attempted to reply to a message, gotten to the reply page (which by all logic requires that I am logged in at that point, and entered text, only to have the system then tell me that I'm not logged in. I am then presented with a popup prompting me for my login and password.

I managed to avoid losing my text, by cutting and later pasting my reply text into a new reply screen that I accessed after logging back in, but would like to know how to prevent this from happening in the future.
At the top right of the page - does it say "Welcome lawman3966"?

If so - you're logged in.

This forum does not require you to be logged in to view posts. And if you try to reply it will prompt for logon.

That said - it's pretty obvious when you're not logged on - the upper right shows a logon prompt. There's a banner at the top, and bottom of the thread. (Just verified this in another browser.)
At the top right of the page - does it say "Welcome lawman3966"?

This forum does not require you to be logged in to view posts. And if you try to reply it will prompt for logon.

That said - it's pretty obvious when you're not logged on - the upper right shows a logon prompt. There's a banner at the top, and bottom of the thread. (Just verified this in another browser.)

Thanks for your reply.
As I recall, the system DID say welcome lawman3966 on the "today's posts" screen.

I wasn't merely viewing posts. I was in the midst of replying to one, and had finished entering text into the reply box. Upon attempting to "submit reply" or "preview post" I got a popup box prompting me to log in (again).
That has happened to me quite a few times. I should know by now to Select All and Copy before posting a longer response.
It has also happened to me in the distant past but not for at least a year or so. Do you also check the "remember me" box when logging in? I think that sets a cookie in the browser so even if the browser closes for a short time or you go to another web site you're still logged in. Logging out removes the cookie.
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