What is "Remember me" supposed to do?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 28, 2007
So - I always click "remember me" but every time I come back, I have to login again.

It doesn't remember my user name, even though I've updated the bookmark.

In other forums I frequent, I can set things so that I never have to enter my user name or password - I'm always logged in.

Here, I'm never logged in and it doesn't remember even my user name.

Thanks for any tips.
Please make sure you are accessing the site with the www. in front of the domain name. If you login from Early Retirement then it will not work properly.
True - unless I go in through www.early-retirement.org it won't even let me in at all.

But it never remembers my username.

I like being able to be logged in all the time.

Anybody else figured out to how stay logged in even when returning?
Andy - couldn't you revise the page "without" the www to redirect - or couldn't it at least state that it is no longer a valid front door to the forums?
Andy - couldn't you revise the page "without" the www to redirect - or couldn't it at least state that it is no longer a valid front door to the forums?
Yes, I have been looking into how to do this, I hope to have a redirect in place shortly.

I am also looking for a tool to show you all cookies related to ER. I think that is a big cause.

Please try this and report back:
When logged in with the www. before the domain name, use the logout link (top right) and let the system log you out. You should see a message to the effect of all cookies cleared. Then login again (with the www.). Close your browser and then open it up again and come back to ER. You should be able to stay logged in. Please report back so I can try to get a handle on this and put together a guide to help others.
Okay - did the steps above - exactly as outlined - with the logout, cookies cleared message, close browser, come back, login, close browser, open browser, come back to ER - to no avail. Never remembered, never still logged in.

Is anyone reading this able to stay logged in after closing all browser windows and coming back?
I forgot to ask you if you've been getting any sleep :)
I changed some settings that should allow logins from both early-retirement.org and www.early-retirement.org. Hopefully that will help for some people.

As for your issue spncity, can you give it another try now and report back. Thanks for your help troubleshooting this. Sorry, it's been a pain but once we get it figured out you will be able to stay logged in without any problems.

Also, it would be good if others could chime in with a something like "staying logged in, no problem" or "having to login each time I visit". That way we will have more feedback to work with.

Lastly, are you talking about me getting some sleep? If so, then the answer is "a little", sometimes I think I am crazy for trying to make a business out of forums. A lot of work, sites with tons of pages views and very low revenue per page but I am very passionate that online forum communities are very special and important parts of the internet and not having to work from an office and traveling around the world makes it worth every hour of lost sleep.
Please make sure you are accessing the site with the www. in front of the domain name. If you login from Early Retirement then it will not work properly.

This worked for ME.....

Went to favorites and just added the www and now I come in with my name etc.... just like before...

If you are using Firfox, make sure you don't have the site blocked for cookies... my BIL did that with a site and could not figure out what was wrong...
Staying logged in, no problem. Firefox
Hi Andy

Whatever you did seems to have solved it - thank you. The forum now "remembers" me :) and I'm feeling much better about myself - har-har

Glad you are getting a little sleep at least . . .
...And this is the address in my link in Firefox bookmarks manager:

For those of you who are still having trouble, please delete your ER cookies.

Ed, here is how to do this in Firefox: Tools >> Options >> Privacy >> Show Cookies and delete all of them for Early-Retirement.org

Please report back...
To change Internet Explorer bookmark

To fix the log-in problem for users with IE just go to you bookmark for this site, right click, select properties, highlight the URL box and enter www. ahead of early retirement etc , apply the change and you are done
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