Pain in the Neck at Night


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 2, 2017
There's a place at the base of my neck, a marble shaped bone that has become a real pain lately. I understand muscles, nerves are attached to each other. So when there's an issue in one part of the neck it can affect the back, arm and other areas. When I sleep the pain radiates from that little bone all the way down my back to my arm.
When I awake, after a few stretches and movement it disappears. I'll sit with a heating pad on my back and neck, that helps. But it severely interferes with my sleep. I don't like pain meds. I love my pillow, had it for a long time.
Surgery or any major treatment is out of the question, won't even go there. I'm pretty sure it's muscle:rant:Is this aging?
The A word, yes. Maybe you need a new pillow as they do crush after a while. Can you do backbends, that might help. What about a chiropractor? Keep trying different things and changing up your posture when sitting. Good luck. My pain there went away, now it's in my hip. Hey, hey.
I have cervical disc degeneration disease effecting several levels in my spine. I strongly suggest you speak to your doctor. For me the greatest benefit has come from physical therapy. They did amazing things for the severe pain I’ve had. If your doctor agrees and gives you a prescription for physical therapy, you can later do the exercises at home once you learn what is appropriate.
I don't have any suggestions but I do have a whole lot of sympathy!

Last month I had an aching shoulder that extended from my rotator cuff through my upper back, that marble shaped bone, and my neck. It was so bad when lying down that I couldn't sleep, and that was awful. In my case it eventually just went away but wow, what an awful thing for you to be going through.

I found that two very thick pillows helped, because they raised my head up so the weight of my head wasn't pulling down on my shoulder as much (I am a side sleeper). But the pillows really didn't fix it; they just helped a little.
I have cervical disc degeneration disease effecting several levels in my spine. I strongly suggest you speak to your doctor. For me the greatest benefit has come from physical therapy. They did amazing things for the severe pain I’ve had. If your doctor agrees and gives you a prescription for physical therapy, you can later do the exercises at home once you learn what is appropriate.
Degenerative disc sucks eggs.

Pain that radiates can be a sign of something more serious. Please see a doctor who can address the issue. PT has been a miracle for me too.
So I have this issue too in the same place. It's partly genetic.. arthritis and partly from decades of milking.

Here's what I do and it works better then drugs for me YMMV...

go buy the cheapest fifth of vodka you can find.. By a boatload of habanero peppers the more orange the better. Put peppers in blender, add vodka and pulverize ..use the entire pepper.( you might need to open a window) . Let sit for a few days. When your neck hurts use a paper towel to apply directly to the place that hurts. Start with small amounts as if you're not used to it, it can REALLY feel hot. You will adapt to the heat, I don't even feel it anymore when I apply it to my neck and shoulder. If you shower at night wait at least 20 minutes after you shower to apply.

Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after applying or just use a plastic or rubber glove. It gives me instant long lasting relief. I don't feel it's unusual for a stiffness or pain in your neck to go to your arm or shoulder. If you have a migraine type headache a little of this below your nose can work wonders too. on the little rib above your lip at the front of your nose.
Go see the best neurosurgeon you can find. They treat far more patients than they put under the knife. You might be one of two steroid shots away from no pain. They are the most knowledgeable on the subject of backs/necks, however.

Don't be a He Man and ignore or put up with the problem. Often patients don't properly address back and neck issues until they are past the point of no return and there is no longer an easy fix.
Go see the best neurosurgeon you can find. They treat far more patients than they put under the knife. You might be one of two steroid shots away from no pain. They are the most knowledgeable on the subject of backs/necks, however.

Don't be a He Man and ignore or put up with the problem. Often patients don't properly address back and neck issues until they are past the point of no return and there is no longer an easy fix.
Lot of truth in what you said.

I've had four nuerosurgeon consultations and zero surgeries. On two of my four c-spine events I had two cervical epidurals. The first two in 2000 were a little scary but provided amazing results. In 2015 I had two more, this time he used fluoroscopy and it was much easier. Amazing to go from unbearable pain to recovery.

My typical treatment was: PCP initial diagnosis and MRI --> Pain management and Nuerosurgeon. After clearing medical tests on to PT.
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I would want to find out if it’s muscular or something else. My neck/back pain is muscular and a monthly chiropractor appointment keeps me going. If it’s not you need a neurologist.
I have occasional bouts of neck pain. It is usually caused by a pillow being too thick. Yes, I need a thin pillow.
Lot of truth in what you said.

I've had four nuerosurgeon consultations and zero surgeries. On two of my four c-spine events I had two cervical epidurals. The first two in 2000 were a little scary but provided amazing results. In 2015 I had two more, this time he used fluoroscopy and it was much easier. Amazing to go from unbearable pain to recovery.

My typical treatment was: PCP initial diagnosis and MRI --> Pain management and Nuerosurgeon. After clearing medical tests on to PT.

My wife had had great care the last 17 years at quality pain management clinics. Injections for back and neck pain should never be done if not by fluroscope--otherwise a waste of time. They should be done in series of three a month apart as often the third shot puts you over the top. Unfortunately Medicare only wants to do two injections.

Presently her back is in great shape. Now she has mid-foot arthritis and is battling severe foot pain with lidocaine lotion and Volteran gel. She refuses to have the fusions with plates and screws that would take her off her feet for 7-8 months as we have a 7 year old granddaughter to raise.
Is this aging?

Maybe. Or it could be something far worse.

Consult your medical professional.

Seeking medical advice on an internet forum of non-professionals is a bad idea.
This sounds similar to the pinched nerve I have gotten in my neck several times, that radiates down my arm, to my elbow. A good chiropractor will be able to relieve the stress, and the pain.

If this doesn't work, consult your physician, but be wary of pain masking drugs, that he will most likely want to prescribe.
I have been going through something very similar for about a month. My personal inexpert diagnosis of my condition is that the origin is something in my shoulder. I'm in Florida for another few weeks before I head home.

I've been getting some relief from a variety of shoulder exercises I have picked up from PT videos on YouTube, and altering my sleep positions to the degree this is possible. If this is still going on when I get home I'll be calling my PT group who took care of me following my achilles rupture and see how they suggest I proceed.
Seeking medical advice on an internet forum of non-professionals is a bad idea.

Is it 'medical advice' per se, or is it merely requesting feedback from those who have been, or might have been, in what could be a similar situation?
Is it 'medical advice' per se, or is it merely requesting feedback from those who have been, or might have been, in what could be a similar situation?
I think that would depend on what they do with the information, right?
Okay, you started with a fifth of vodka, then it veered in a direction I didn't expect.

Habanero peppers! I LOVE this post. I ate one once. Thought I was gonna die when I ate it. After the pain subsided (a few hours) I was so relieved.

Until later. Then I really thought I was gonna die. Sat in a tub of cold water and it didn't help at all.

That was my last habanero. I don't think there will be another, topically or otherwise.

Maybe start with some nice jalapeno peppers instead. Then if it doesn't work topically, you could still drink it...
I had something similar last year. There was also swelling at the base of my neck that I had been dealing with until the pain started. I went to a chiropractor who did X-rays. He prescribed 3 tablets of Advil morning and night (200mg each) for 2 weeks to reduce the inflammation and swelling. Told me to sleep on my back. I am a stomach sleeper but I have to say sleeping on my back did give me some relief. Diagnosis: facet joint strain at C7 and T1. After a couple of months of weekly chiropractic visits with ultrasonic massage in that area, I was still having to rest with a heating pad on a sofa to get relief. The pain was better but not totally It gone. Boy did it upset my exercise and working out! I had to stop! My chiropractor then sent me to my family doctor who prescribed prednisone for 3 weeks. That worked! It further reduced the swelling and pain was basically gone. I still have not gone back to my regular work outs. If I lift weights over my head or the wrong way, the niggle of pain comes back.

Sleeping? While I may start out on my back, I am still a stomach sleeper!

The Difference from what I had and what you seem to have is that upon waking my pain wasn't there. Presumably because of resting the area over night. It would develop within an hour or two of waking.

Likes others, I suggest a Chiropractor and go from there.
Okay, you started with a fifth of vodka, then it veered in a direction I didn't expect.

Habanero peppers! I LOVE this post. I ate one once. Thought I was gonna die when I ate it. After the pain subsided (a few hours) I was so relieved.

Until later. Then I really thought I was gonna die. Sat in a tub of cold water and it didn't help at all.

That was my last habanero. I don't think there will be another, topically or otherwise.

Maybe start with some nice jalapeno peppers instead. Then if it doesn't work topically, you could still drink it...
Yeah one year I decided to hotpack some habaneros. A few hours later it was safe to go back inside.
DH has that machine (electrotherapy?) with the little needles for his tennis elbow. Prefer that to peppers. Anyone heard of Rolfing? I recall a friend, back in college, who was in a terrible car accident with neck/back injuries. She described Rolfing. It sounds painful but she said it saved her life. Good ideas and I changed my pillow last night, better.
Yeah one year I decided to hotpack some habaneros. A few hours later it was safe to go back inside.
That's funny, but I get it. I fried some jalapenos one day - some recipe on the web or something.

My eyes watered, my nose ran, my DW started coughing. Good heavens!

Opened all the windows and had to go out to eat. I cannot imagine how bad it would have been with habaneros!
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