Waterpik. Get one.


Recycles dryer sheets
Oct 27, 2008
Just thought I would pass this on,just in case you are gettinng long in the tooth. I take care of my teeth well, brush, floss and go to the dentist for cleaning every 4 months. But still have periodontal disease/shrinking gums/pockets,bleeding when they clean them.
I just bought a Waterpik WP-100 Ultra seven days before my cleaning appointment this past Friday. This was the easiest cleaning I have had in
the past 20 years, only one spot of blood and almost nothing to scrape.
Pockets are shrinking and this is only after 7 days. Quite amazing.
This has got to be easier than root plaining which would be the next step
if I cannot get this under control, less expensive also since I lost the dental insurance after they early retired me.
Old Mike
I use the Waterpik dental irrigator daily. Only do a dentist visit once a year. Boring.
I had the most wonderful experience at the dentist last week! I'm 62, no gum disease yet. I don't use a Waterpic and gave up flossing about five years ago. Now, I use plastic toothpicks with little plastic brushes at one end. Since I have a gap next to a crown, I use one every time I eat, whereas way back when I flossed, it was just occasionally.

Hygienist found everything okay and when dentist popped in to check, I admitted the truth. He said, "great, we're on the same page," he also uses the plastic brush pics.:D
Not sure what you mean by the two units, but the current model is the
Ultra WP-100.
Cuppajoe: Glad to here your gums are good, I have tried brush picks along with flossing. The waterpik will do a much much better job, I am stil on only 50% power, and if you hate to floss this is the answer even if gums are in good shape.
I expect in 4 months at my next cleaning to be able to go back to a 6 month schedule.
Also you want the counter top model not the portable one, they both have Ultra in the name.
Old Mike
I was on a 4 month schedule for several years, with much digging and scraping. Then I retired. After a year or so, the dentist noticed much improvement. Am now on 6 month schedule, and doesn't involve much .

I don't know if it was the reduction in stress, having the time to brush/floss well, having the time to prepare and eat good food, or all of the above.
I have so much trouble sticking to a flossing commitment.

Whenever dental appointment is coming up I'll be flossing for a week before so I don't get in trouble, but never works I'm busted every time.

I'm intrigued by what CuppaJoe mentioned, little plastic thingies.
I have so much trouble sticking to a flossing commitment.

Whenever dental appointment is coming up I'll be flossing for a week before so I don't get in trouble, but never works I'm busted every time.

I'm intrigued by what CuppaJoe mentioned, little plastic thingies.

I'm a big fan of those as well - brand name, The Doctors BrushPicks, interdental toothpicks. They are to toothpicks as a BMW is to a chevy cavalier. IMO.
Used to use a waterpic but think i used it at too great a force and actually did gum/tooth attachment damage. Just saying. Probably do the same with brushpicks - maybe more driver error than product problem.
I have so much trouble sticking to a flossing commitment.

Whenever dental appointment is coming up I'll be flossing for a week before so I don't get in trouble, but never works I'm busted every time.

I used to do that -- the computer would remind me two weeks before the appointment. I was never busted. They always oh'd and ah'd over my great flossing.

But now I do it every day. I have the floss next to where I sit and watch TV, and I do it an hour before retiring. Good system.
I used this to great success just last week.

Good idea to move the floss near your TV chair...

I use an electirc toothbrush, floss, those go-betweens that CJ mentioned, and a waterpik. Before she took off my wife complained about my breath, and I decided that aint ever gonna happen again. And it hasn't.

My gums are so healthy I think I could floss with barb wire and they still wouldn't bleed.

My hygienist commented on how well my gums looked, and I told her why. She probably had a big laugh with the other women after I left. :)

I heartily agree on the water pik.

I wore braces late (in my early 40's). Flossing was a pain. I got a water pik and it was great. I quit flossing altogether, as I would initially floss and then water pik, and there would be a lot of residual food caught by the water pik that the flossing missed. I got regular cleanings and never had any gum problems, even without flossing - just water pikking.

So now about 10 years later I still water pik sporadically. I've learned to "feel" when I have any gum inflammation. If I feel anything isn't right I water pik a few days and it goes away. I'm convinced it gets rid of bacteria much better than any flossing.

Since heart disease is now being linked to inflammation, including in the gums, this is cheap insurance.
...I don't know if it was the reduction in stress, having the time to brush/floss well, having the time to prepare and eat good food, or all of the above.
Yes, yes, and yes.
Cleaning schedule is every 3 months to keep past peridontal problems in check. My hygienist congratulates me on my excellent flossing. I was a good girl and admitted I didn't floss very often. :blush: It kills my hands to do that.
However, I have a lot of interdental gaps and use a round toothpick, very gently, between all teeth after every meal or snack. She approved as long as I used a soft touch doing that.
I also drink a lot of green and fruit flavored tea on a daily basis, with just a handful of sugar per 64 oz batch. Hygienist seemed to think that may be helping. Who knows? :rolleyes:
I am constantly rinsing my mouth with Crest mouthwash, after any food.
I tried a WaterPic but it tickled my mouth too much. It drove me nuts.
It also took about 5 minutes to clean off the mirror. :whistle:
I use an electric toothbrush, floss, those go-betweens that CJ mentioned, and a waterpik. Before she took off my wife complained about my breath, and I decided that aint ever gonna happen again. And it hasn't.

A single man's gotta make sure his breath is good, otherwise he'll get no dance partners. :)
One of the benefits to my kinda dancing, I guess. :whistle:

I guess I need to look into the waterpik--is that better than the electric toothbrush? We use plain old manual regular toothbrushes now.
It also took about 5 minutes to clean off the mirror. :whistle:

I've never used a waterpik, but my assumption that you're basically doing a high-pressure hose down of your teeth and gums (and therefore spraying water all over the place) is the biggest deterrent. Seems like a good tool otherwise (I hate flossing).
I use the home-made waterpic in my shower :) smile up at the shower stream - it works pretty well.
I've never used a waterpik, but my assumption that you're basically doing a high-pressure hose down of your teeth and gums (and therefore spraying water all over the place) is the biggest deterrent.

That is true only if your mouth doesn't close. :)
A single man's gotta make sure his breath is good, otherwise he'll get no dance partners. :)
One of the benefits to my kinda dancing, I guess. :whistle:

I guess I need to look into the waterpik--is that better than the electric toothbrush? We use plain old manual regular toothbrushes now.

The dentist recommended waterpik, don't need it now.

Like freebird, I have problems with my hands; the electric toothbrush is truly wonderful.
I guess I need to look into the waterpik--is that better than the electric toothbrush? We use plain old manual regular toothbrushes now.
As a hobbiest of the oral cavity I feel qualified to offer an opinion on this topic. Toothbrushing cannot substitute for cleaning between the teeth; and cleaning between the teeth and below the gumline cannot substitute for toothbrushing. The well groomed mouth needs both. I strongly recommend an electric toothbrush. For one thing they have timers, and you will tend to brush longer which is better.

Between the teeth and under the gumline are addressed differently by floss, Go-Betweens and a WaterPik. I feel that they each have things that they do better than the other 2.

Like CJ I have a wisdom tooth with a gap between it and the 2nd molar. The Go-Betweens are unbeatable for this.

The gaps between my teeth catch fibre (meat and celery are the worst) which can hurt, so I have floss everywhere--in my desk, in my coat pockets, in the car. The dentist likes that.

Also have electric toothbrush. Never have used waterpick. Must investigate.
I have an Oral-B Professional Care 6500 Waterjet. Really gets the nitty gritty out.
Does the waterpick take the place of flossing or is it more an replacement tootbrush. I like my electric soniccare. I am very irregular with flossing although I sometimes use the Denteks.
Another thing I like to do is add some Listerine mouthwash to the water container (actually suggested in the waterpick manual). Feels super refreshing like I just came out of the dentist.

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