7-19 (-900) points: Holding? Selling? Buying?


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 2, 2019
I am relatively new at having stocks and bonds. (Retired 5 months, age 46)

Admittedly in the last 20 years, the little dabbling I did with stocks - I always SOLD during a selloff out of fear and when I look back, had I just IGNORED the selloffs and crash every single time - I'd have much more money today. So I've promised myself not to even look at my 'grand total' on exceptionally bad days - like today.

Curious, what are y'all doing today? Buying? Selling? Just leaving things put?

I think I know the answer - just hoping to hear it a few times :)
Curious, what are y'all doing today? Buying? Selling? Just leaving things put?

Not even looking. I'm not a day trader, and I have no intention of spending all day every day being chained to market tickers.

And I really mean not looking. I would have no idea that some index or all of them are having a bad day, were it not for this thread. Don't wanna know, don't care.
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Yes -- the market is crashing! It is all the way down to where it was 4 weeks ago! Aaagh! :cool:
I think most of the responses will be one of the following:
1) I didn't even know the market was down today
2) Doing nothing as per buy/hold strategy
3) Will look to buy more soon
I watch daily.

I never buy or sell as a result of the market's movements.

Despite the previous statement, *if* the market is down "a lot" I will opportunistically do part of my annual December Roth conversion early to save taxes / move more over. Last year, I did about half of my Roth conversion on March 17th, which was just about perfect.

Today's action isn't enough to get me to consider anything, although my unprofessional opinion is that I think we're due for a correction or pullback of some kind. There is the technical analysis done every day by CNBC, which has been confirmed by the "WHEEE!!" indicator.
Sold a call on an etf when it was up. Now it's down.
I'm still getting my plan underway. My long term plan is to be 55% stocks.

Last week I was 49% vested in stocks. I did lighten a bit and ended up at 44% stocks.

So I still have 10-11% of my nest-egg to put into stocks. I'm tempted to do it today, but I think there's a better entry point later. Long term I'm clinging to the idea that with ups and downs accounted for - corporate America sort of gets it right. More sodas wil be drank, more burgers and fries eaten, more computers and cell phones used, more gasoline put into tanks and more advertising done.
I had no idea and wouldn’t have found out until the National News came on at 6:30. I make it a point not to track it. I rather wait to until I hear it on the News.
Oh, cool, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll check and see if it looks like it's going to be enough to make me do a slight rebalance here and there.
I ignore drops unless we get a large correction (~20%). That much will get me off my retired backside to dig up what fixed assets I can free up to buy more equity index funds. Then back to the easy chair to relax some more.
So far it's down 2.6% , not really much.
I hope it goes down 10% as I would like to spend some cash.

The cruise ships have been sinking (stockwise) for a week, I've wondered why they are so high.
Finally I guess people noticed Variant D has been increasing the cases, and this leaves cruise lines very exposed.

I'd buy some cruise lines, but I fully expect 1 or more to go bankrupt.
I sold two loser stocks for tax loss harvesting purposes. I immediately put the money into a few other stocks in different industries so it won’t be considered a wash sale. Other than that, I’m catching up on some of my podcasts.
Bought on Friday, bought more today and will probably buy again tomorrow.

I did sell a portion of one position today that had to much exposure but overall, I'm buying.
When low ER index funds go on sale I buy if I'm liquid, otherwise I hold.
...had I just IGNORED the selloffs and crash every single time - I'd have much more money today.

You really do know the right answer. Self control is another story.

I've stayed put for the past 30 years and just kept putting more in every paycheck.
Holding. If it continues to drop enough (I.e. 20-ish %) over the next week or 2 I might make a few adjustments by doing a bit of rebalancing.
Scuba diving with the family. I’ve got two year’s living expenses in cash and a paid off house, As for stocks, as long as I don’t sell, nothing is lost. 😎
I hit the “new posts” button. At the top of the list are two threads. One is “market at all time high”, followed by this thread, “Dow is down 900”. Got to choose here, folks. :)

Actually, when I saw W2R post “whee” last week knew this was gonna happen.

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