Health Care Bill It's about Fire and Money

I'd just like to note that I am very concerned about the whole idea of government run death panels. ..

Don't worry. This delicate job will be done by fully qualified personnel, GS-10 or higher.

Suggested reading

I know, I know. It's not the Huffington Post, or the Conservative Political Report, but Jason Shafrin has done a pretty good job of producing a relatively unbiased survey and summary of health care and economics. (I can tell because he seems to have annoyed all sides equally, based on comments.)

Healthcare Economist · Healthcare Economist Manifesto

Take a look at his summary and links to articles on the Swiss healthcare system. The Swiss made a transition from a US-like system to a 'managed competition' plan in 1997, with mandated coverage for all, a specific set of base benefits, and all insurance being private insurance. Insurance is subsidized for low income persons, such that no individual pays more than 10% of income on insurance. Insurers compete on supplementary coverage beyond the bare minimum mandated.

Healthcare Economist · Health Care Around the World: Switzerland

One interesting point is that even with the government subsidy, the Swiss government pays about 1/4 of healthcare costs, compared to the US government paying 1/2 of the costs. (Yes. 1/2 of all the healthcare costs in the US are government funded. Medicare, Medicaid, VA programs, DOD active duty coverage, TRICARE, SCHIP, etc.)
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