When will the restrictions be lifted?

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My state has extended to May 8. But there’s no single “date” for any of us. It seems clear we’ll be opening slowly in stages with many date milestones. The stages, what openings with what restrictions, will vary by state, city, county. And there will be second waves, some severe and others muted hopefully. Again, all with the caveat if some effective therapy is found, everything will advance a little more quickly.

Like others here, I think sit down dining restaurants will be near the end, with large gatherings even later. We have prepaid theater season tickets from March (past) through Summer 2021 and a couple of concert tickets in limbo - officially postponed but not cancelled. I’m a little anxious how that’s going to work out, might lose significant $. We want to support them, but I don’t want to just eat those costs.
Our guv is dropping the Shelter in Place order Monday, here in MS. Many businesses are allowed to re-open under guidelines, but many have to remain closed for the time being (e.g., bars, movie theaters). That'll go for 2 weeks, then they'll re-examine. Things have been much less severe than predicted, so I expect us to continue to progress.
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Our guv is dropping the Shelter in Place order Monday, here in MS. Many businesses are allowed to re-open under guidelines, but many have to remain closed for the time being (e.g., bars, movie theaters). That'll go for 2 weeks, then they'll re-examine. Things have been much less severe than predicted, so I expect us to continue to progress.

Been watching your governor and he appears to be doing things in a controlled process.
My state will probably not do much until June, IMHO.

The governor is working on a plan to put the building trades back to work on private construction. They have been able to work on government construction projects but not private construction.

I am still wondering what there is about building a government building that gives the workers some sort of CV19 immunity that they don't' get when building a privately owned building. I haven't figured that out yet.
One thing everyone needs to understand is that these measures are not to stop the spread of the virus which is impossible. Eventually, everyone is going to be infected with concomittent effects. It is only to slow it down enough so that the healthcare system is not overwhelmed.
You are generally correct, but unfortunately it seems that most people don't understand this. Some people seem to think that if we shut everything down for long enough then the virus will disappear. That's not true.

To be more accurate though, I think it's inevitable that most people will be infected not necessarily everyone.
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You bet, no I don’t. My secondary insurance is through my former employer. We can’t go off it until my husband is 65. Even then we have to choose our supplemental through their portal choices or I lose the benefit of them paying my Part B Medicare.
I’m not so sure we aren’t trading current CV lives lost for future other cause lives lost plus a ruined economy.
South Carolina opened up shopping but not sit-down restaurants. Politics versus science. South Carolina was one of the last to shut down and one of the first to partially open.

I did stop in Costco after restrictions were lifted. Most shoppers were very courteous in maintaining 6 ft distance. Then there were others who frankly didn’t care and brought the whole family.
I live in SC. Time will tell if the decision was incorrect or not. But, I've got some science for you. SC has suffered 166 deaths, which is 34th in deaths per capita in the US. So, it's grossly inaccurate to say this state has suffered worse that others.
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