Despair in the Modern Workplace.........




If anyone here remembers how the "motivational' posters that appeared at Workplaces used to Gag you. Here is a website that offers an alternative. Mostly these posters were anoying because the folks that were hanging them were the Antithesis of the Subject Matter. Posters Like 'Teamwork', 'Honesty', 'Intergrity' etc. etc.

This is a real company, making real money doing what most folks really like ala Dilbert!

For some real fun visit:

I love this guy's "special occasion" cards...

... it's one of the few websites where I've read the cynical & sarcastic text on EVERY screen.

One despised XO used to decorate our meeting room with these posters. Of course we redecorated from, and it was over a week before he noticed. His subsequent paranoia never really abated.

"The Art of Demotivation" by E. L. Kersten was supposed to be published in April 2004. Anyone seen a copy yet?
Hello friends. When I was working I found some of those inspirational posters quite interesting, but of course many times it got to be too much of a good idea.
BTW, if you guys want more cynical and sarcastic on
this site be sure and let me know :)

JOhn Galt
Nords, you guys probably spawned another Captain Queeg that day.

" . . . Ah, but the strawberries posters! That's where I had them! . . . I proved with geometric logic that a duplicate key to the meeting room must exist, and they used it to swap the posters!"

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