Health Care Panel Discussion


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 16, 2004
We are offering a Health Care Panel Discussion ( on our website, with professionals in the health care field who have generously given of their time and expertise for our readers' self-education. It is our hope that these pages are instructive. They are not meant to be exhaustive, but rather bring important issues to light.

The HCPanel Discussion pages on our site are not interactive for comments, but we would still like to receive them. You can post here to discuss or email us directly at if you prefer privacy. I might try and do a follow up on our site from readers' responses.

We also offer a Recommended Websites Page ( in which you will find a solid list of extensive Medical interactive educational websites all in one location for your benefit.
The more you know, the better off you are in handling your health care matters.
It's a partnership, and it's your health!

Your comments are welcome. Please share these pages with a friend.

Billy and Akaisha
Authors, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement
Akaisha, I know you and I often disagree on how healthcare issues should be resolved. But I do thank you for this effort and I am sorry I did not have time to participate, despite your kind invitation.
Hi Martha,

I'm so glad you took the time to respond here, and hopefully, took a look at what we have offered on our site for reader's self-education.

I very much appreciate it.  :D

Billy and I have a saying that we have resorted to often in our marriage: "When two people always agree, one of them is unnecessary."   :eek:  Which is only to remind us that we don't have to agree all the time.

Challenge makes us all stronger, and I don't want to be afraid of it. Like I have said before -- I don't need to be right - I just want the best ideas to win.  8)

Our HCPanel Discussion would have benefitted from your experience and I am truly sorry you did not have time to contribute.

However -- heh heh -- I'd love to do a follow-up sometime down the road or perhaps a personal interview of certain folks just to keep the discussion/topic lively.

So,... If you're game, consider it an open invitation!  ;)

BTW, anyone else out there who wants to contribute the name of a worthy website for self-education to be added on our site or mention someone you think may want to be interviewed or contribute at some time in the future, please let me know. This is for everyone's benefit.

None of us know what the future will bring RE: the Health Care Issue, and education is our best tool.


Author, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement
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