Leaving the rat race!


Recycles dryer sheets
May 3, 2013
Western US
I've been lurking here for a year or so. When I turned 55 recently it was time to update my analysis of expenses and assets. With FIRECalc at 100%, other planning tools showing "extremely likely" and a complimentary megacorp-provided financial planner person telling me no worries, I pulled the trigger last week. My last day at megacorp will be the end of September! While I generally enjoy the work, there is also a lot of stress and deadlines that I will be glad to be rid of, and a lot of unnecessary megacorp bureaucracy that has been wearing my patience thin for many years. I am looking forward to getting some good nights sleep, getting back in shape, and spending more quality time with my hobbies. September can't come soon enough!
Congrats CranberryJoe, enjoy the next chapter of your life!
Congratulations...September will be here before you know it! :dance: Today was my last day at work and I can't believe I am finally free of my stressful management position. Next week I start working as just a worker bee at a non-profit two days a week to try to ease into semi retirement. Good luck!
Welcome aboard, cranberryjoe. Congrats!...glad to hear that you are on the final countdown.

Welcome and Congratulations !!!! I am planning my last day for August. Like you I "generally enjoy my j*b" - its the BS, artificial and unnecessary deadlines, and resultant stress that goes along with it that is wearing me thin, so I know exactly what you are talking about.

I look forward to reading about your new found life post ER !
Thanks for all the congratulations! I'm excited! For now I'm working on the plan to bridge income between ER and SS. Got a quote for an immediate annuity to cover the difference for 11 years, but I'm checking to see if I can do better with a CD ladder or something else. I'm ok with active management for awhile (yet another retirement hobby!) but the idea of a no-brainer paycheck every month is attractive.

After discussing with a co-worker yesterday, I'm reconsidering whether to take the pension as annuitized payments or a lump sum. The pension was frozen many years ago and is seriously underfunded. I did my planning assuming the annuitized payment. If the company terminates it in the next 3 years the PBGC max payout won't quite cover me. Using the lump sum to purchase an annuity won't yield the same payout as the monthly pension. But I may be obsessing too much over this since FIREcalc says I'm ok even with a reduced pension.
Today was my last day at the grindstone, one month ahead of plan! I'm ready to have time to do the things I never had time to do. For the short term I'm going to decompress and do a whole lot of nothing. In a couple of months I hope to have figured out my new daily routine: exercise, home cooking, juggling my hobbies, ... seems like endless possibilities right now!

I decided to take my pension as a lump sum, which gives me more flexibility to do Roth IRA rollovers during the ER years, and I think it will eventually outgrow the annuitized pension since I won't need to access those funds for quite awhile.
Exactly: decompress and do a whole lot of nothing to get your bearings. Go to sleep & wake up whenever, with no alarm clock set. Do whatever you want each day. Because every day is now a Saturday. And tomorrow is another day, if we are given it.
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For the short term I'm going to decompress and do a whole lot of nothing.
Congratulations but just be warned - if you're anything like me, you may find that doing a whole lot of nothing becomes in itself very rewarding and quite addictive :)
Congratulations cranberryjoe! Enjoy your retirement and all the things you now want to do. :dance:
Congratulations but just be warned - if you're anything like me, you may find that doing a whole lot of nothing becomes in itself very rewarding and quite addictive :)

Yes, I'm very aware of that syndrome. I expect to find the perfect balance between nothing and something, which is: do something when you feel like it, otherwise do nothing. :LOL:
Congratulations.....!!! You will LOVE it!!!!

And this is such a gorgeous time of year to have off time....and not have to worry about going back.....EVER!!!!!

Let us know how you feel on Tuesday morning next week ( after Labor Day!!!!)
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