How Millennial Are You?


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Jan 31, 2008
A quiz from the Pew research center. I scored 31, closer to a Gen Xer than Baby Boomer. How Millennial Are You?

What’s in a Name?

Generational names are the handiwork of popular culture. Some are drawn from a historic event; others from rapid social or demographic change; others from a big turn in the calendar.
The Millennial generation falls into the third category. The label refers those born after 1980 – the first generation to come of age in the new millennium.
Generation X covers people born from 1965 through 1980. The label long ago overtook the first name affixed to this generation: the Baby Bust. Xers are often depicted as savvy, entrepreneurial loners.
The Baby Boomer label is drawn from the great spike in fertility that began in 1946, right after the end of World War II, and ended almost as abruptly in 1964, around the time the birth control pill went on the market. It’s a classic example of a demography-driven name.
The Silent generation describes adults born from 1928 through 1945. Children of the Great Depression and World War II, their “Silent” label refers to their conformist and civic instincts. It also makes for a nice contrast with the noisy ways of the anti-establishment Boomers.
The Greatest Generation (those born before 1928) “saved the world” when it was young, in the memorable phrase of Ronald Reagan. It’s the generation that fought and won World War II.
Generational names are works in progress. The zeitgeist changes, and labels that once seemed spot- on fall out of fashion. It’s not clear if the Millennial tag will endure, although a calendar change that comes along only once in a thousand years seems like a pretty secure anchor.
I don't know about the accuracy of that test, I scored 49 and at 64 years old I'm an early boomer.
I scored an 11 and I am 56. I guess I should get rid of my land line and start texting people and join FB to be more au courant.
Oh, and get a tattoo and some piercings. I don't even have pierced ears and I am a woman.
I don't know about the accuracy of that test, I scored 49 and at 64 years old I'm an early boomer.

I scored a 49 as well and I'm 37.

I don't know what it means if anything, but it is interesting nonetheless.
A new record! I got a 2, putting me right in the Silent Generation. Which is correct.
15, right alongside the avg Boomer.

Is the "silent" generation the same as the "greatest" generation? Why "silent"?
Scored 55
52 Years old.

Keeping my official curmudgeon certificate (issued by one of our very own forum members) none the less.:whistle:


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52, not sure of the meaning though.

6? since I just slide in towards the end of the boomer's I have no idea what it means......other than perhaps I feel older than I am?
35, almost right on the dot for Gen X, which I am.
My score was 15, and the typical Baby Boomer score is 11. So, that was pretty close.
I scored 41, which says I'm a Gen X-er, but I was born in 1958, making me an official Boomer. I'm so confused....
Scored 28, age 56. Not surprised...makes me a miller I guess.
I scored a 90, but I'm solidly a Gen Xer (dead center in the middle of the age range for my generation). Hmm. Damn Millennials better stay off my lawn!
I got a 68, 36 years old. That makes me a GenX (correct) with Millennial "tendencies".
I got a 57 but I'm a Baby Boomer from 1955.
17 (I knew that daily newspaper would come back to age me one day).

50 text messages in the last 24 hours? Tattoos? Piercings other than earlobe? I have to get busy.
I scored 89 and am 53.

"Confident. Connected. Open to change."

Take that, you young whippersnappers!
I'm 38 and a GenX'er but I scored a 56! So, I am apparently "hipper" than I thought! :cool:
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