What Pastimes Are Fading/Failing With Aging Boomers?

I have mourned the rapid decline of general aviation. The reasons are great and varied, but it has really become a rich-man's hobby. One of greatest material possession I ever owned was an airplane. But...it was an expensive hobby...

Yes, looking back, one of the most fun times in my life was buying a Piper Tri-Pacer, just barely affordable for me at age 25. The longest trip I ever took with it was to Oshkosh in 1976, and that was a blast. I pitched a tent under the wing and the wake-up alarm at 6:00 AM every day was a 727 at takeoff thrust about 50 yards away.

I only had it two years but what a fun period that was!
I am seeing the decline in motorcycling , DW and I both have bikes but seldom ride . Even when we do you don't see the people like we used to . We belong to the worlds largest riders club ( world wide ) and here in Houston we probably only get maybe 15 riders to show up on a special event . You go back 10 years we would over 100 riders.

What are people doing anymore, is it just the available cash is not there or is it time ??
Military firearms are no longer imported in any great quantities, and what is available on the retail market today is mostly scratch and dent grade. New NFA weapons haven't been added to the available pool since 1986, and the prices are astronomical; plus, the transfer process is now taking nearly a year. Unless you're buying one for an investment it's not worth the wait.

My business partner who is a boomer is massively into collecting antique firearms (mostly WW1 and pre WW1). It is still a big hobby in Canada with lots of well used forums. He tells me they are still importing stuff here that can't be/isn't imported to the US and the prices here are very low in comparison. He has shown me mint condition Mausers, for instance, at incredibly (to me) low prices. He collects them primarily for the historical aspects and can tell some pretty amazing stories about his collection that includes tales from the Russian revolution, the Winter War and the Ottoman conflicts.

However, he still rollerblades and windsurfs, both of which I make fun of for being passe.
Yes, looking back, one of the most fun times in my life was buying a Piper Tri-Pacer, just barely affordable for me at age 25. The longest trip I ever took with it was to Oshkosh in 1976, and that was a blast. I pitched a tent under the wing and the wake-up alarm at 6:00 AM every day was a 727 at takeoff thrust about 50 yards away.

I only had it two years but what a fun period that was!

I still would very much like to do Oshkosh in a "little" plane. I had the good fortune to be a participant when flying the C-5 but none of the excitement. I don't think the air controllers would want to squeeze us in with the smaller VFR arrivals! :D
Film photography.
Just this weekend I filled out a form to ship/sell quite a few of my older film cameras to a very popular online buyer (based in GA). Part of the reason is to raise cash for a top of the line digital camera, and the reason for that is that the best digital cameras now have much better resolving power than any film camera. (Yes, the look can be/is different, that's another argument...) At 20 bucks minimum per roll for trustworthy developing of odd film formats (120 film), I just can't justify it anymore. Plus, my children just don't care and never got the film bug (even though it's become slightly trendy lately).
Oh well,...
writing letters has declined

Tell me about it. I'm currently cleaning out letter piles from grandmother and Uncle. They go back to 1957.:facepalm: Interesting to read some of the family history from the little I can glean from one sided writing.


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One pastime/hobby that's bucking the trend of this thread is RVing. The economic recovery combined with relatively cheap gas prices has created a boom in the RV market.

RV shipments through February 2017 totaled 73,287 units, an increase of 8.6% from the same period in 2016. This continues seven consecutive years of shipments growth as the industry has bounced back from effects of the Great Recession.

In 2016, RV shipments totaled 430,691 units, a gain of 15.1% over the previous year.
The Recreation Vehicle Industry Association: Business Indicators

Of course this has also increased the demand for a spot to park your RV. Camping sites are becoming more and more crowded, with many popular locations almost impossible to reserve unless you do so six months or more in advance.

Nice to be retired so we can plan our trips for the shoulder seasons when demand drops off a bit.
Shooting sport. My kids don't want to even touch the firearm.
I don't even go to dollar theatre anymore. Not as appealing.

The last time I went to the 99 cent movie , they were playing The Champ with Ricky Schroder . It was a double feature. My sister and brother in law took me. This is the same sister who now has a mansion and a bocce court. At the time they lived in a small 3 room apt down the block from our house.
Agree with others... hunting and fishing seem to be languishing.

Also, square dancing. Golf is more slowly going away.

We go to the movies quite often. In sarasota there is a theater that is $2 in the afternoon and $2.50 at night... popcorn is reasonably priced as well... a small popcorn and soft drink for $5.

Here at home, senior price is $4 and popcorn about $6.
+1 for not going to the movie theater. The last movie I saw was Scully and that was to see it in IMAX....it didn't disappoint. However, being retired, I was able to see it on a Tuesday at 2 PM, so it was me and an usher watching it. ;)

I am *not* a fan of crowds so I am happy to wait for any "good" movie to be released for home viewing. Although, I don't remember the last movie I was absolutely WOWED by, either. I think Hollywood can only save so many girls and blow up so many buildings. And just how many Marvel characters can be rehashed over and over and over and over?!
Here is one for everyone Nascar or any Auto racing . Nobody seems to be going to auto races anymore.
I am seeing the decline in motorcycling , DW and I both have bikes but seldom ride . Even when we do you don't see the people like we used to . We belong to the worlds largest riders club ( world wide ) and here in Houston we probably only get maybe 15 riders to show up on a special event . You go back 10 years we would over 100 riders.

What are people doing anymore, is it just the available cash is not there or is it time ??

When I was w*rking I would ride every chance I got but since retirement the fire has not been there. Maybe it was just a stress release, who knows.
Here is one for everyone Nascar or any Auto racing . Nobody seems to be going to auto races anymore.

Granted it's been a few years, but when I lived in Dover...race weekend was absolute MADNESS. I have NEVER been around folks who throw money around like that before; you would have thought the money was on fire.
Agree with others... hunting and fishing seem to be languishing.

Also, square dancing. Golf is more slowly going away.

We go to the movies quite often. In sarasota there is a theater that is $2 in the afternoon and $2.50 at night... popcorn is reasonably priced as well... a small popcorn and soft drink for $5.

Here at home, senior price is $4 and popcorn about $6.

OMG, square dancing, I remember the scene form The Odd Couple when Oscar Madison made up the lyrics , it was hysterical. im looking for the clip. UPDATE hahahaha, here it is im dying with laughter.http://www.oddcouple.info/sounds/squaredance.wav
The Olympics. Used to be a a big deal to watch and support. Now cities do not want the costs and the security issues. Recently, McDonald's ended their sponsorship. TV viewership of the events has been waning for years.
The Olympics. Used to be a a big deal to watch and support. Now cities do not want the costs and the security issues. Recently, McDonald's ended their sponsorship. TV viewership of the events has been waning for years.

It seems now they have the Olympics every 90 days, and its loaded with pro's. I loved it when the USA sent amateurs, now they have a 1 billion dollar payroll playing basketball in the Olympics. Yeah , count me in on the non interested for about the last 20 years.
We rent from Red box more often than going to movie theatre, easy pause for restroom break. If we miss something, we can hit replay. Except this summer, my husband wants to see Dunkirk in the big theater. He just watched something about Churchill from Netflix last night. I think he likes WWW stuff because both his grandfather and father were involved with both wars.
Really? I'm seeing more and more participation in running races these days.

No excuse for getting shoved or even bumped on public paths. They are for everyone, at any speed.
True enough, but try to tell that to a bicyclist. A while back these people at least used bells or said "passing right". Now they just silently fly by at 15-20 mph. Several of my friends have been seriously injured by cyclist creeps hitting them from behind. I think bicyclist belong on roadways, not trying to kill innocent seniors on pathways.

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On the subject of RV's...the answer to WHY other hobbies are dying out is to be found in the RV itself...

New ones- 40 feet long with THREE televisions. A TeeVee every 13 feet. If you read forums for RV owners, LOTS of people complain about thier TV's not working or they are of "poor quality" because they are "only"1040p.

In a trailer to "camp" in.

Three televisions to go "camping".

IMO, might as well stay home.

I claim: Harley Rider, coin collector, train enthusiast, and "cook-my-own" meals.
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