Class of 2018

How were those first weekends, May 31 retirees?

Although my FIRE date is August 1, I'm actually going to be mostly gone by June 15, with a few more days scattered to attend meetings and clean up anything needed. That wasn't my original plan, which was to come in 2x/wk until mid-July. But I was strongly encouraged to leave earlier because a temp replacement is available now.

But, if I may be permitted a whine at this point, it's making these last 2 weeks incredibly frustrating, because I had so many plans for the open days. I am panting, clutching, reaching for things that I want to be doing, NOW, and it's postponed a couple of more weeks. The days are dragging more than I ever experienced before.

OK, whine over. It's a couple more weeks. A steady course. Make lists. Start removing my traces from the office. Drink.
Well, I had a great day on Saturday, mostly spending time with my wife and dropping into a friend's 40th surprise birthday party. Yesterday was back to w*rk on the sailboat. I'm doing 3 days a week sailing this summer before my schedule is fully done, but yesterday (and hopefully today) was a perfect sailing day - 15-20 knots, gusting to 30, flat water and 70 and sunny. I think that it will hit more on Wed when I am off for 4 days. I'm still reflexively looking for my work phone and thinking about projects, but I'm confident that I can overcome this. have a great week everyone!
But, if I may be permitted a whine at this point, it's making these last 2 weeks incredibly frustrating, because I had so many plans for the open days. I am panting, clutching, reaching for things that I want to be doing, NOW, and it's postponed a couple of more weeks. The days are dragging more than I ever experienced before.

Sounds familiar. I had a bunch of stuff planned for June I need to put off.

For those later in the class, repeat after me: "I will give a short notice and stick to it. I will give a short notice and stick to it. I will give a short notice and stick to it."
8 more Mondays then 11 weeks of vacation and done. I'm not to the end yet but I can see it from here.
June is here. I only have 5 working days left - Official date is June 30th, but taking vacation along the way.
In fairness, I planned May 4, declared May 18, and after client request, extended to June 1. The first extension allowed me to fill out 401k max, the second i was able to take one of the two weeks off, pick up a paid holiday, and extend insurance to end of June. It was worth it I think, but to be fair, I don't think the reality has hit me yet either. I gave my (non-company) boss months of heads up because I wanted to transition my project smoothly (it's public safety project), and didn't want to burn bridges. I was invited to come back any time and potentially could consider it on a project basis if my wife wants to live in Chicago for a period or for a project of her own. But i now have my freedom. Coming home from a perfect day of sailing today, I couldn't keep a damn grin off my face the whole way home. Yeah, I was paid a bit for today, but the sailing was perfect, I enjoyed the day, and it was a world better than making more money for less fun. One more "working" day on the boat and then 4 days off. That's when it may start to sink in. Stay strong, the end of the tunnel is in sight!
I was hoping I would have a quieter last month at Megacorp. I completed my last project in May and provided 2 sessions on it, then my replacement (the person who should have been leading the project in the first place) would take over. However, Megacorp in their infinite wisdom laid this person off. Another person has been assigned, but is already saying no way can they pick up this responsibility in June, and management committed to several more sessions that they are now hinting they would like me to cover... but I have no plans to spend most of my last month on planes. I am gracefully telling them "not my circus, not my monkeys" :). We'll see...
How were those first weekends, May 31 retirees?

Although my FIRE date is August 1, I'm actually going to be mostly gone by June 15, with a few more days scattered to attend meetings and clean up anything needed. That wasn't my original plan, which was to come in 2x/wk until mid-July. But I was strongly encouraged to leave earlier because a temp replacement is available now.

But, if I may be permitted a whine at this point, it's making these last 2 weeks incredibly frustrating, because I had so many plans for the open days. I am panting, clutching, reaching for things that I want to be doing, NOW, and it's postponed a couple of more weeks. The days are dragging more than I ever experienced before.

OK, whine over. It's a couple more weeks. A steady course. Make lists. Start removing my traces from the office. Drink.
So far it is great. I don't think it has totally sunk in yet, but I am really enjoying the flexibility in my day for any number of things that I need to do.

One nice thing I hoped to see is I am already losing weight without much effort by being more active and because of the significant change in my eating habits. Now I eat when I am hungry instead of because it's time to eat, which equals one light meal, one regular meal and a few snacks. My weight had been trending down over the last 6 to 8 months which had me at the low end of my normal weight range. But now I have dropped 6 pounds in 1 1/2 weeks and am lighter than I have been in over 25 years.

I am having dreams about work and some of my avocations like football officiating that I no longer do. They are clearly related to transitioning to a new chapter in my life. Not nightmares by any stretch, more affirming of my new course. In all of these dreams I am there for one last meeting or one last game, but I am asking myself 'why am I doing this? I am done with this."
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I am having dreams about work and some of my avocations like football officiating that I no longer do. They are clearly related to transitioning to a new chapter in my life. Not nightmares by any stretch, more affirming of my new course. In all of these dreams I am there for one last meeting or one last game, but I am asking myself 'why am I doing this? I am done with this."
That is interesting. I had my w@rk dream last week; for the first time in a long time.

It involves the part time job I had in college -- w@rking part time in a grocery store. The dream varies, but always has the same theme: I missed seeing my name on the schedule and am late for or miss my shift entirely. I have never dreamt about my career j@bs, but 35+ years later, I still dream of getting a call from the store manager asking "Where are you? You're on the schedule and were supposed to be here at 4pm." :D
I pulled the ripcord yesterday.

Started cleaning out the office a week ago, had the obligatory sending-off party (heartfelt and very nicely done!), and turned in my badge yesterday. It still doesn’t seem real - I’m technically on vacation through the end of June - but I’ve won the race. Today is the first day of the rest of my life...

...and I hope the chute opens!

Laughing about your nightmares. My two retirement nightmares - I am a nurse - in hospital room taking care of a patient (who was a doctor I disliked) who had had a "total body skin transplant" (no such thing), and I had no idea what to do! The other nightmare my husband had, where I was late going to work, and he rushed to drop me off in front of the building in a boat (we were just back from Florida and boating).
Class of '18 here. Last day is Friday! And I'll turn 54 on Thursday. It was the company's decision on the date (re-org) but it worked out for me.
Class of '18 here. Last day is Friday! And I'll turn 54 on Thursday. It was the company's decision on the date (re-org) but it worked out for me.
A little guessing game I'm playing: on my retirement date, will my savings+investments be at the highest level to date? A couple of months ago I doubted it, but currently they are on track to be. Nothing I am counting on, or expecting, just a fun thing to see what happens. :)
Add my name to the list!

Found this forum earlier this year and have decided 2018 will be my year to exit my career and join the lucky crowd that inhabitates this illustrious blog. Currently looking at an official notice date at the end of June, giving 3 months notice with a last working day of September 28th, then using paid time off until the end of November.

It's getting close to the time to tell my boss and I can already feel how uneasy the conversation may go, as the department has had significant turnover and the timing couldn't be worse for me to exit.

Turned 54 this year and will have two pensions, 7 figure 457 and over $500k post tax with no debt. DW still has a couple years to go to secure her pension before retiring at 55.

Need to free up time to help care for elderly parents, take care of my ohana, learn a new language, read, write, get in shape, explore other interests; all the usual reasons to stop fighting an agonizing commute, give up the stress and start living the dream.
Welcome to the forum and the class of 2018. It sounds like you are in great shape for a 2018 exit.

And as others have said in other threads, dont worry too much about how the timing of your exit will impact megacorp. If they need to layoff employees it is seldom done with much concern of how the timing will impact those being let go. It isnt personal, its just business.

Found this forum earlier this year and have decided 2018 will be my year to exit my career and join the lucky crowd that inhabitates this illustrious blog. Currently looking at an official notice date at the end of June, giving 3 months notice with a last working day of September 28th, then using paid time off until the end of November.

It's getting close to the time to tell my boss and I can already feel how uneasy the conversation may go, as the department has had significant turnover and the timing couldn't be worse for me to exit.

Turned 54 this year and will have two pensions, 7 figure 457 and over $500k post tax with no debt. DW still has a couple years to go to secure her pension before retiring at 55.

Need to free up time to help care for elderly parents, take care of my ohana, learn a new language, read, write, get in shape, explore other interests; all the usual reasons to stop fighting an agonizing commute, give up the stress and start living the dream.
Need to free up time to ...take care of my ohana; all the usual reasons to stop fighting an agonizing commute, give up the stress and start living the dream.
Congrats! The commute here on Oahu is mind-numbing, time to get on with life!
Can I be in two classes? I first retired in 2012. That lasted 18 months, then in late 2013 I took an offer I couldn't refuse and went back to a high pressure role. I went on a leave of absence in March, and last Monday gave my formal resignation! So class of 2012 (47) and class of 2018 (53).

...and as a bonus you have more $$$ to play with!

Can I be in two classes? I first retired in 2012. That lasted 18 months, then in late 2013 I took an offer I couldn't refuse and went back to a high pressure role. I went on a leave of absence in March, and last Monday gave my formal resignation! So class of 2012 (47) and class of 2018 (53).
Can I be in two classes? I first retired in 2012. That lasted 18 months, then in late 2013 I took an offer I couldn't refuse and went back to a high pressure role. I went on a leave of absence in March, and last Monday gave my formal resignation! So class of 2012 (47) and class of 2018 (53).
Congrats. No going back now.:dance:
Can I be in two classes? I first retired in 2012. That lasted 18 months, then in late 2013 I took an offer I couldn't refuse and went back to a high pressure role. I went on a leave of absence in March, and last Monday gave my formal resignation! So class of 2012 (47) and class of 2018 (53).
I move that we accept Lagniappe as a member of the class of 2018 with full rights and privileges.
Can I be in two classes? I first retired in 2012. That lasted 18 months, then in late 2013 I took an offer I couldn't refuse and went back to a high pressure role. I went on a leave of absence in March, and last Monday gave my formal resignation! So class of 2012 (47) and class of 2018 (53).

So you have an undergraduate and masters degree in ER?
It's done! (Well, technically I have 4 more workdays, but they will be scattered over the next 6 weeks and may even be taken from home.)
I'm dancing! I have a Pandora 60s Rock station turned up loud, and i'm dancing! I feel ... young!

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