Covid Vaccine Distribution

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I'm in the Florida Panhandle, Walmarts in our area are taking appointments
for the Covid Vaccine.

I got a first Shingrix vaccine in late November, 2020 with the next one do after late in Jan, 2021. About the time my second shot Shingrix was OK to get, I started the computer lottery to get the Covid vaccine. I struck out 8 times over the next two months, so I went ahead and got my second Shingrix Vaccine. With a week or two after that shot, Walmart started giving appointments. 3 weeks to the day after my second Shingrix Vaccine, I received my first dose of Covid Vaccine.
The first Shingrix vaccine was completely painless, both the shot and after.
The second Shingrix, the needle hurt, the liquid hurt and my arm was a bit sore for 36 hours. I got my first Covid Vaccine at 7:30 am yesterday, a bit of pain with the needle and my arm was a bit sore during the day but OK this morning. I had a bit of a lazy day after the shot, and not sure if I was having slight symptoms or just a lousy day. So, it didn't make me feel all that bad. Today I'm fine. Oh, except for the aches and pains of old age!
Funny, I just checked G Maps and didn't see a vaccine finder (other than "Pharmacies," which have to be checked individually). It does give the COVID prevalence in a given area

Type COVID vaccine into the search bar. Bingo!
I am quite frustrated with OH. I have been trying since last week when it opened up for 50 and up. No appointments at any locations near me. Check numerous times per day, each day since last week. But then the governor states that by end of the month the state will open up to all adults 18 and up! What BS, I can't even get an appt at *ANY* of the providers listed on the OH website. System is totally f****d up! Just pisses me off since there is no vaccines available, while at the same time the state is acting like there is.
I keep reading "things are opening up" and everyone on Facebook has been bragging about getting their shots. It's getting very frustrating that I can't seem to get one.

I was able to get my husband his COVID shots via the county health department, where I also registered back in, I think, December. They have not contacted me. I have no way of knowing where I might be on the wait list.

I have gone to the COVID vaccine web sites for all the participating pharmacies in Florida, searching for availability in a one-county radius (all counties bordering mine). This includes Publix, Winn-Dixie, Walmart, Sam's Club, and CVS. I selected the stores which said they had vaccine available (not all do).

The sign-up field asks if you are eligible (I am) and your city and state. I have entered every town within a 50-mile radius. Even though the site says "vaccine available," every response has been "No vaccine available."

What could I be doing wrong?

This is exactly what we are seeing in our area and the surrounding 50 mile search range. Very disappointing and frustrating. DH is registered everywhere and I remind him daily to check his email and texts. We search everyday.

A mass vax site is hopefully going to be set up soon. It’s been planned for a few weeks and now I see the planned site has been moved. Fingers crossed. sigh....
I am fully vaccinated after getting my two Moderna shots in a town 20 miles away. Our rural Arizona county just opened up to 55+ but my 53 y.o. husband is still left out. However, he learned yesterday that the county north of us has opened up to 35+! He was able to find a link to sign up at a Safeway in a small town 85 miles away for next Monday. So we are looking at a pleasant day trip to start the week. Looks like the weather will cooperate too for the jaunt through Flagstaff.
He was able to find a link to sign up at a Safeway in a small town 85 miles away for next Monday. So we are looking at a pleasant day trip to start the week. Looks like the weather will cooperate too for the jaunt through Flagstaff.

I also grabbed the first appointment I was offered even though it was 75 miles away, and drove in the night before. Will repeat the process 3/27. So, I leave a little money in the local economy, get 2 more nights towards Diamond status with Hilton, and leave the local vaccine sites for people who don't have the luxury of traveling to someplace more remote.

Oh, yeah- mileage and the first $50/night of the hotel are tax-deductible.:D
I checked both Google and Apple maps and they don’t show the site where I received my vaccination.

For WA state residents, is a good site to check for availability. They include a link to schedule appointments too.
Im seeing availability open up in my south texas area. If youre willing to drive to kingsville I'm told it anyone 18 up come on down. Lubbock slot of capacity also
Im seeing availability open up in my south texas area. If youre willing to drive to kingsville I'm told it anyone 18 up come on down. Lubbock slot of capacity also

Same goes for Midland. They apparently have more vaccine than takers. DD#2 says if you call the county health folks anyone 18 and up can get an appointment within a few days.
I don't doubt it. It's just that when I go to Google Maps, I don't see anything except the COVID prevalence info. No vaccine finder. Wonder what I am missing?

Google Maps can't find vaccines near me
Make sure your search is spelled correctly. Try adding a city, state, or zip code.
Try Google Search instead

Search this area
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YAY!!!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear this!!!

I just obtained 2 Walgreen's appts for friends this week, plus one CVS one for another friend. Well, I couldn't book the Walgreen's ones as you have to have your own account, but I let my friends know of availability ASAP and they booked successfully. I was able to book the CVS one for my friend with her info.

It can be done - especially if you are persistent, follow FB groups, know when to look for appts (some drop at midnight, others very early in the morning), and are willing to travel a bit in some situations.

SimpleGirl, what is the facebook group you are using? I have family in Florida that are still having issues getting vaccine appts since they opened up to the next group.
I checked both Google and Apple maps and they don’t show the site where I received my vaccination.

In Fairfax county VA.

I searched using Apple Maps and didn't find county sites (where I got my first jab) nor INOVA, a local hospital that is working with county or state and doing a bunch of shots. It did show 8-10 pharmacies that it says are doing the shots and provided a link to sign up for an appointment on a couple of them I checked.
Well, maybe my rant earlier, or some St Patrick's day Irish luck, has worked. Got an appt finally for vaccine shot at nearby Kroger pharmacy location. First shot tomorrow, second one April 15. Guess that means I get the two dose versions, I will find out once I get there. Just happy that I was able to get an appt finally after so many attempts on many provider websites.
Here in North Carolina 25% of all adults have had at least one shot. Things are looking up.
Thanks, thought I had done that. The list in my area is unfortunately rather small...and I've been checking them all.

(I'm sure every programmer in the state has written a program to check all sites within a radius, periodically. Any of you coders willing to share?)

Type COVID vaccine into the search bar. Bingo!
Uncharacteristically, I'm taking all this "difficulty" in finding vaccine as at least somewhat positive. It means that just about anyone who CAN get the vaccine must be actually getting it. That bodes well for eventual herd immunity. The first things I heard locally were the very vocal anti-vaccine folks saying they would "never take the shot." Now, the chatter is "how do I get my shot scheduled?" I'll take it as "positive" if you will though YMMV.
SimpleGirl, what is the facebook group you are using? I have family in Florida that are still having issues getting vaccine appts since they opened up to the next group.


I'm not simplegirl, but here's an active facebook group who are successful in locating vaccines throughout southern Florida:

South Florida COVID-19 Vaccination Info

They also share a lot of tips and tricks on when vaccines 'drop' at various sites.


PS: As an aside, as I am in Florida, I just keyed into google "covid vaccines near me" and it brought up sites within 50 miles (I set the range to the maximum)...and clicking through the list, I just found 6 locations within 15 miles that have vaccines in stock!
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SimpleGirl, what is the facebook group you are using? I have family in Florida that are still having issues getting vaccine appts since they opened up to the next group.


Yes, some areas are definitely more challenging to get vaccines in Florida! I'm noticing that there are pockets where there is excess and pockets of scarcity. If someone can drive over an hour for their vaccine, generally it's not a huge issue. However, not everyone can do that, especially those who are older or are caring for someone they cannot leave for an extended period of time.

So, here are the FB groups I belong to:

South Florida COVID-19 Vaccine Info

Florida Under 65 High Risk COVID-19 Vaccination Discussion

Florida Vaccine Hunters (focused on "leftover" vaccines)

My tips for Florida vaccine searching:

1. CVS drops appointments typically in the early a.m., sometime between 5 and 6:30 a.m. (usually closer to 6, in my experience)
2. Walmart/Sam's drops appointments around midnight
3. Winn Dixie is unpredictable. Check multiple times a day.
4. Walgreens may have a specific drop time, not sure about that. You cannot book appointments for others on Walgreens, you have to book through your own account after registering; it populates your name. Even so, I had great luck spotting appointments, especially in the morning, for friends and then letting them know where to look (quickly!)
5. I just started using It's been great so far for finding Walmart, Winn Dixie, and CVS appointments (it looks for some others too, but note Walgreens blocks this tool so you have to look there separately). They tell you when the appt is, what the vaccine is, where, etc. It really saves time searching each of those individual sites. Be ready to open up the individual site to book (I keep tabs open for those sites when using the spotter tool.)
6. Publix - I know little about them, I have avoided it as I heard their system was frustrating at first. However, supposedly it is better now. Certain days are for J&J/teachers and others for the other priority groups, I believe. 7 a.m. drop time.

I hope this helps! I learned all of this from those FB groups. They have volunteers on these groups that will book for others, including staying up late ("The Night Owls"). So, if you are comfortable sharing your personal info, they will help you. It's been a lifesaver for those who are not tech savvy and do not have someone to help them. The groups also are great for telling you about popup sites or posting "vaccines are available at x/y/z right now!". That's extremely helpful! There are a ton of people who have been helped and just really want to pay it forward. It's very heartening to see.
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I've tried the local Publix sites several times. First, for Mr. A., who, due to age, finally got his shots from the county. Next, for me, when they dropped the age requirement. I've also tried Winn-Dixie, CVS, Walmart, and Sam's. No luck so far. One frustrating thing is that on the "vaccine finder" site, it will say that such-and-such site has vaccine in stock. I'll go there, go through the steps to verify eligibility etc., and finally - multiple steps later - land on a page that says no appointments available.


Yes, some areas are definitely more challenging to get vaccines in Florida! I'm noticing that there are pockets where there is excess and pockets of scarcity. If someone can drive over an hour for their vaccine, generally it's not a huge issue. However, not everyone can do that, especially those who are older.

So, here are the FB groups I belong to:

South Florida COVID-19 Vaccine Info

Florida Under 65 High Risk COVID-19 Vaccination Discussion

Florida Vaccine Hunters (focused on "leftover" vaccines)

My tips for Florida vaccine searching:

1. CVS drops appointments typically in the early a.m., sometime between 5 and 6:30 a.m. (usually closer to 6, in my experience)
2. Walmart/Sam's drops appointments around midnight
3. Winn Dixie is unpredictable. Check multiple times a day.
4. Walgreens may have a specific drop time, not sure about that. You cannot book appointments for others on Walgreens, you have to book through your own account after registering; it populates your name. Even so, I had great luck spotting appointments, especially in the morning, for friends and then letting them know where to look (quickly!)
5. I just started using It's been great so far for finding Walmart, Winn Dixie, and CVS appointments (it looks for some others too, but note Walgreens blocks this tool so you have to look there separately). They tell you when the appt is, what the vaccine is, where, etc. It really saves time searching each of those individual sites. Be ready to open up the individual site to book (I keep tabs open for those sites when using the spotter tool.)
6. Publix - I know little about them, I have avoided it as I heard their system was frustrating at first. However, supposedly it is better now. Certain days are for J&J/teachers and others for the other priority groups, I believe. 7 a.m. drop time.

I hope this helps! I learned all of this from those FB groups. They have volunteers on these groups that will book for others, including staying up late ("The Night Owls"). So, if you are comfortable sharing your personal info, they will help you. It's been a lifesaver for those who are not tech savvy and do not have someone to help them. The groups also are great for telling you about popup sites or posting "vaccines are available at x/y/z right now!". That's extremely helpful! There are a ton of people who have been helped and just really want to pay it forward. It's very heartening to see.
I've tried the local Publix sites several times. First, for Mr. A., who, due to age, finally got his shots from the county. Next, for me, when they dropped the age requirement. I've also tried Winn-Dixie, CVS, Walmart, and Sam's. No luck so far. One frustrating thing is that on the "vaccine finder" site, it will say that such-and-such site has vaccine in stock. I'll go there, go through the steps to verify eligibility etc., and finally - multiple steps later - land on a page that says no appointments available.

Oh yes that has happened to me several times - other people grab the spot before you can! You have to be SOOOOO quick. Since I've booked for a few people I'm getting faster for some of the sites as I know what's coming. And sometimes, you have to just repeat and hope someone has given up the slot. That occasionally works, but there have been many times I have just missed a vaccine slot. It's not easy when they are scarce in your area. People seem to have the most luck at midnight/6 a.m. depending on the site. It's crazy.
When it rains it pours...

For 2 weeks I could not find any vaccines for ourselves, did find for other folks in other counties over age 80. But nothing for us.

Finally got Some for us, deep in Chicago, then confusing messages by Authorities left us wondering if we would be rejected at the door.
We had 2 appts at the United Center.
Then a closer mass vaccination site opened, so we booked there, and cancelled the United Center so some Chicagoan could use it. :flowers:

Then my Doctor emails me, to say go get vaccinated and gave me link to local group hospitals, I checked and there were lots. :)

So we got our shot at the mass vac site, terribly disorganized, unlike some other places where I have driven old(er) folks for their shots.
About 200 of us in a line, no spacing, needed photocopy of license, but not in instructions.

Guy laughed when I told him our appointment time was at 1:30.
It did move fast overall, and we were done in 1 hour.
Second appt automatically scheduled, totally painless. :dance:
Also, if you notice on vaccinespotter when the vaccine was spotted, you can tell if it is more likely to be available or not. If it was just spotted a minute or so ago, you have a decent chance. Much more than a few minutes, your chances go down in an area where vaccine is scarce.
How many sites are Californians registering with.

I did Safeway months ago because it’s my regular pharmacy.

Then Myturn CA site last week.

I get emails from Sutter and Stanford saying they have low supplies. I didn’t register with them, they have my email from previously.

Do I need to chase CVS, Walgreens, etc?

Oh I don’t meet the criteria yet.
5. I just started using It's been great so far for finding Walmart, Winn Dixie, and CVS appointments (it looks for some others too, but note Walgreens blocks this tool so you have to look there separately). They tell you when the appt is, what the vaccine is, where, etc. It really saves time searching each of those individual sites. Be ready to open up the individual site to book (I keep tabs open for those sites when using the spotter tool.)
It's amazing, I started using this vaccinespotter tool for Florida shortly after Simple Girl's post, and first there were only appointments in the very north. Then suddenly an hour ago, a large number of Winn Dixie stores in central and north Florida popped up and said they have appointments. I immediately went in, and could snatch something next week a bit south of Orlando, about 150 miles north of here, for Moderna. While the location is not optimal, it will be quick to get up there on the Florida Turnpike, and afterwards have a nice leisurely drive back along the beach.

One thing I should warn about: the appointments were fading away literally as I was typing, and I wasn't prepared that I would have to enter the complete insurance information, so it was a bit hectic. Have all your insurance information ready before you pounce!
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