What are your plans for Christmas?

This thread is worthless without pictures!
I can tell that you missed my 24 hour avatar from yesterday. Ask the rest of the guys about "the uniform". Hint: it was red and black and had really long legs. :cool:
I'll post the table setting when I'm done. It is a w*rk in progress. :D


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Man, I can't believe I missed the "nice uniform" thing the first time around. And I missed a pic as well

A search for "red and black and long legs uniform" returned some provocative images...oh, wait, that's because I reset Google to stop censoring my results. Never mind.

Oh, Christmas, back on topic. Sleep to a decent hour, rouse the teens and twenty something crew and we'll do the presents and breakfast. Play games all day, watch movies, just be with each other until dinner and then hang out some more afterward. Naps will be dispersed liberally as needed.
Good luck RunningBum....weather here looks really bad for the next few days. Be careful on I-80 if you get to Nebraska. Can I ask why you didn't fly into Lincoln?
Thanks. The Lincoln airport has fewer and fewer flights anymore, and more expensive ones too. When I booked I guessed that using DFW (which doesn't fly into LNK) was safer than ORD or MSP in the winter. Plus, I'm staying on the west side, so it's not all that much longer to get to OMA, though the city driving would be safer.
Here is the recipe . It is a pretty sweet stuffing but it goes great with ham .

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
4 eggs well beaten
1 can crushed pineapple
5 slices of white bread

Beat sugar & butter til fluffy . Add eggs and pineapple and mix well . Add bread pieces and mix . Place in two quart casserole and bake at 350 for 1 hour until the top is slightly brown .

Thank you very much. I am definitely going to try it. I am having ham also.
Probably getting stranded at DFW, if we make it that far. The ideal plan is to make it to Nebraska, flying tomorrow night. Thunderstorms and rain at DFW, icy rain at OMA, and then an icy drive to Lincoln. If flights are canceled or we miss the connection, we're looking at heavy snow on Thursday, along with poor prospects to actually get on any flight that may be going.

I thought about driving, in which case we'd have left early this morning to beat the weather. I tried switching to an earlier flight but they are all full. I could show up for the flight that leaves 4 hours earlier to try standby, but I'm doubtful that we'd get on.

Have to say that I don't envy you this. I guess it can either be a good or bad thing, depending on whether you were really wanting to be there or whether it was a visit of obligation. Hope it all works out for you though I think it may take me less time to fly SFO to Hong Kong that it will take you to complete your domestic trip.
The nightly news makes me glad I'm not traveling, but I'm sure they exaggerate it. DD leaves the airport in Kansas City at noon the 24th, so I hope she misses the storm that's heading her way.
The nightly news makes me glad I'm not traveling, but I'm sure they exaggerate it. DD leaves the airport in Kansas City at noon the 24th, so I hope she misses the storm that's heading her way.
I pity those who have to travel, despite that here in Spain the weather is much more benign. But even so.....
Like most Jews we will follow our usual tradition of chinese food and a movie.:D:D
Like most Jews we will follow our usual tradition of chinese food and a movie.:D:D

I'm not Jewish, but that's exactly what I plan on doing. Can I come over to the Grumpy house?
After megacorp decided to give us a 2 week vacation using our own vacation time (read forced plant closing) for the 2nd year in a row, I have finally figured out how to enjoy myself for the 2 weeks. The first year I nearly drove myself crazy doing nothing but watching TV and playing computer games.

Let's see a few days in Montreal visiting friends, dancing, drinking, and generally being a cad followed by a few days in NY visiting family and pretending to be an alter boy followed by a few more days back home taking dance lessons and attending what is expected to be a crazy NYE party where the party organizer encourages the party goers to "get rooms" at the hotel just in case, I think I have finally figured out how to enjoy Christmas. :) FYI: I'm not getting any rooms. I don't over estimate my sex appeal or the general libidinousness of American women.
Well, since this is the second year in a row that the kids and I are sick, what we do depends on how we feel. Ideally, we host the family for dinner tomorrow night, have Christmas morning here and head to my parents' place in the afternoon. Last year we limped through Xmas eve dinner and doctored the kids (read: clean up barf) all day Xmas. Merry &(*$&%#!ing Xmas and a germy new year.
Xmas a peaceful but lonely day here, as the closest kids are at the outlaws place this year. So we'll make up for it by leaving Sunday and visiting them for New Years week, and bring in the new year with the six of them. It was a blast last time we did that.
C'mon now guys...we can live a little Christmas past. This is a pic of me at Christmas when I was about 11 years old. My first 'professional' drawing board. :flowers:

Got any old Christmas pics to share?


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Like most Jews we will follow our usual tradition of chinese food and a movie.:D:D

I'm not Jewish, but that's exactly what I plan on doing.....
Although we're going to the Masonic Lodge for roast beast at noon, we've definitely been planning on Chinese from Lin Garden for supper! Maybe somewhere within my Heinz 57 ancestry I'm actually part Jewish as well...ya just never know with our family!
Heh. I suspect the reason rooms are recommended has a lot more to do with "too drunk to find your way home" than with anything else...

Oh, really? I was thinking that the ladies heard that the great Salsalero BunsGettingFirm is gracing the party. Strange, but I never drink when I dance. Can't imagine being not 100% when the activity demands 100% awareness.
Once I heard a rehab councillor (a friend, not in professional context :cool:) say that if men/boys were taught to dance in school there would be a lot less drunks around. Most of us require lubrication before being able to (or thinking we can) trip the light fantastic. Personally, I always preferred being in the band. Still got the women, didn't have to dance. :D
Our Christmas plans have been a little disrupted this year. I had to come over to England as my Dad was sick and then he died before I arrived. Funeral was yesterday so I am now a lot more relaxed and looking forward to Christmas with my 2 sisters and their families plus my brother who has come over from Australia.

We had planned to have Christmas with my son and daughter in DD's 1st house that they bought earlier this year. We will have New Year with them instead as I am due to get back on the 28th.

On Boxing Day (26th) my brother has tickets for us to go see our local soccer team, Sunderland, in The Stadium of Light playing Everton in a Premier League game. I can't even remember the last time we went to a game together as I went to the USA in 1987 and he to Australia in 1994.
Yesterday I had Christmas Chinese food at lunch with some former coworkers. Early this afternoon I'll pick up one cousin and we will go to another cousins for Christmas Eve afternoon goodies and presents for the kids. This evening I will be going to the neighbors for Christmas eve goodies. Tomorrow morning I'll be baking and in the afternoon go visiting with the baking and pig out at another cousins, again with presents for the kids time. (If we get freezing rain this will happen Saturday). Sometime I have some other kids presents to deliver. Boxing day I plan to have a nap.
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