Recent content by ArizonaDreaming

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    Snowbirds on the forum? Splitting time between cities?

    Interesting responses. I'm at least 25-30 years from ER but just was curious about the snowbirding aspect of retirement. I'm 22 years old but am planning FAR in advance for (hopefully) an idyllic retirement situation. I've always dreamed of being able to have a small primary residence in the...
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    Snowbirds on the forum? Splitting time between cities?

    Was wondering if there are any snowbirds on this forum? Ideally in retirement I'd like to split my time between three cities- San Diego in the summer, San Francisco in the fall, and Phoenix/Scottsdale in the winter. My primary residence would be in Phoenix/Scottsdale but I'd want to rent an...
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    Those who plan to ER in their 30's/40's...are you unfulfilled by your career?

    I really enjoyed reading all the definitely gives someone like me, a young "go-getter", some perspective as to why anyone would retire at an age when you should be nearing the peak of your earning potential. My idea of an early retirement was retiring in your lower to mid 50's...
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    Those who plan to ER in their 30's/40's...are you unfulfilled by your career?

    I've been lurking on this forum for a while now and something that I've found intriguing is the number of people who are/plan to ER in their mid 40's or so. As an outsider looking in...being retired at such a young age seems like it would lead to an unsatisfying existence. In the company I...
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    22 year old college graduate planning for ER

    I really appreciate all the replies. My goal is to invest about 20% of my income and so far, I've been able to do that. As far as expenses...I have about $700/ month in necessary bills. I am saving for a down payment on a house as well. Never had a car payment, I feel a bit dependent to say...
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    22 year old college graduate planning for ER

    Any opinions on good Vanguard funds for a ROTH? Since Vanguard's minimum is $3000, I figured it'd be best to invest the entire $5500 this year into a single fund and add more funds as the years go by. Can I still buy into the Wellington Fund or is that closed to new investors?
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    22 year old college graduate planning for ER

    Hello, I should probably introduce myself first. My name is Chris and I graduated from college this past May with a steady job that provides a decent income. I currently live with my girlfriend and she is going to school for her RN in August. I'd like to get some advice to get me on the path...
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