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      armor99 replied to the thread What if?.
      You would have to get "creative" to show your child had income. You can match up to the amount they "earned" in a year provided you do...
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      armor99 posted the thread What if? in FIRE and Money.
      Unfortunately, I am laid off at the moment. So pardon me some venting and rambling. :) I got to thinking about compound interest, the...
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      You ask a very good question, and I am no expert. But I think it depends on what asset level you are at. For example, lets say you had...
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      I was going to ask the same. Being so close to 55, is it not worth it to stick around till 55 to be able to get at all that money...
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      I agree..... Many years ago in the depth of the 2008-09 meltdown.... I was not nearly in the financial position I am in today. I was...
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      armor99 replied to the thread Reverse Rollover Uncertainty.
      Thanks so much for the wisdom and advice. Most of my friends would literally have no idea what I am even talking about. Probably...
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      Hello everyone, This is a follow up post to a previous one that I did recently, about getting recently laid off. However, this is...
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      armor99 replied to the thread Layoff Time Blues.....
      Thanks everyone for the advice and well wishing. The problem I am having is a strange one. So for me to retire early, I need reverse...
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      armor99 replied to the thread Layoff Time Blues.....
      That is a good idea. I also decided to crunch some numbers tonight, that made me feel a bit better. So: 1. My expenses are pretty low...
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      armor99 replied to the thread Layoff Time Blues.....
      Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and thoughts. I forgot to mention that I have around 125k in a non retirement bank account. So...
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      armor99 replied to the thread Layoff Time Blues.....
      Thanks.... to my understanding ALL retirement plans will allow you to roll over previous 401k's to you current one.
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      Hello everyone, So sadly, like so many others, I have been recently laid off. Or will be. Got one of those WARN notices, and...
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