Recent content by AvocadoRV

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    Discomfort/pain gum area near teeth

    I have had similar developing pain issues under or at thee gum line for a few years. I do use a Sonicare, floss, but no waterpik. My dentist and hygienist told me I was developing "root sensitivity" due to mild periodontal disease, causing the gums to recede slightly. They recommended using...
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    Put in French drain, works great, need advice

    I had a very similar issue. Had to install a submersible pump to pump up 4 ft vertically and 25 feet laterally. Worked well. It got overwhelmed by severe thunderstorms, but the pump kept going until the surface water was gone. If you go this way, I recommend a good submersible pump with a...
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    Roth conversion confusion

    Bogleheads Retirement Portfolio Calculator Bogleheads has a very detailed retirement portfolio calculator that supports modeling for Roth Conversions with numerous assumptions, and provides details on tax savings to the individual and potential savings for heirs. The Bogleheads page is...
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    Finding a 'lost' CD Apparently, at least according to one of these reports, WF has lost at least 500 CDs over the...
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