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      I retired in 2020 at 58 with less than 4M. In the past 4.5 years we've spent about 18 months traveling. I wouldn't trade a single day...
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      AZ2020 replied to the thread Home Assistant advice.
      My wife also likes having all the things she cares about in one app. I made a dashboard just the way she likes it and it comes up by...
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      AZ2020 reacted to triangle's post in the thread Home Assistant advice with Like Like.
      I think your approach is fine and adequate for most people in most situations. However the appeal of a dedicated home server like (HA)...
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      AZ2020 replied to the thread Home Assistant advice.
      Maintenance... Today's example. The integration for my Rheem water heater decided to change the name of the water heater entity. It...
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      AZ2020 replied to the thread Home Assistant advice.
      Some broad categories of things I use Home Assistant for: Making a smart switch control something, like a switch that is not directly...
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      AZ2020 reacted to CaptTom's post in the thread Home Assistant advice with Like Like.
      The above story is a good example of what I mean about keeping your HA environment simple. The updates drop on the first Wednesday of...
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      AZ2020 replied to the thread Home Assistant advice.
      I have a Home Assistant setup with over 400 Devices exposing over 5000 Entities and 150 Automations, so I guess it is pretty good sized...
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      AZ2020 reacted to frayne's post in the thread Help from the engineers with Like Like.
      What you're describing involves the way power is distributed to your house, which is typically on a split-phase system. Here’s a...
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      AZ2020 reacted to Purslane's post in the thread You know When it is Time with Like Like.
      I am looking for all of it...the good, the bad and the ugly, so thank you for the reply. I am very aware that money by itself won't make...
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      AZ2020 reacted to spencnor's post in the thread car jumper packs with Like Like.
      I have the GOOLOO. They have different sizes available. I went for the 4000A version. YouTuber Project Farm rates this highly. Amazon
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