Recent content by BellyFull

  1. BellyFull

    52 to ER at 59

    I'm loving the run up in the market and home values.... Investments now at $995,000 Home Equity now at $165,000 Net worth now at $1,160,000 Here's the downside: I have no job and need to keep a tight budget as I'm 53 and may find a career position or may end up working at Starbucks. Does...
  2. BellyFull

    52 to ER at 59

    Thanks, my wife is working now which should help also now at her 1 year anniversary she will get health coverage for her only. Our son and I need to stay on cobra. It sounded like I need the family cobra election so not sure if that is saving anything.
  3. BellyFull

    52 to ER at 59

    I'm bummed now that I got laid off at the start of 2013. Am looking for a job but may be hard to find. Possibly may retire now.... $950k Investments $50k Severance pay to come $160k Equity in home Also I should be getting $450/ week in unemployment while I look for a job. Past the stage...
  4. BellyFull

    52 to ER at 59

    Obgyn65 - I'll to look at the FIREcalc again. It seemed pretty conservative compared to other calculators I have seen. It didn't give me a great result and I wasn't sure how to interpret the results since it seemed to give a range of results... Pb4uski - Good point about the broker. I tend...
  5. BellyFull

    52 to ER at 59

    Hi I'm new to the forum and am 52, married with one child. My son is a college sophomore at a private school. Back in 2007 I thought I was on track to retire at 55 but my portfolio took a big hit in the 2008 market crash. In 2007 I had $960k in investable assets which then dropped to $550k...
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