Recent content by Blue Collar Fire

  1. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Great ideas, thanks very much for your help! :)
  2. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    You're bang-on. It's cost prohibitive to start from scratch, at least in grain farming. If Grandpa didn't set you up with some paid-for ground, it's unrealistic. Even if he did, you're still struggling with low crop prices and high equipment cost & other expenses. It takes scale to make it...
  3. B

    Inequality with my kids--how to handle

    An interesting dilemma indeed. My first thought was "yep, that's how the cookie crumbles" and it's a good life lesson on the unpredictability of market performance for both kids. I would probably let the 529 ride if I didn't need it, simply for the tax benefit, in case it can be transferred to...
  4. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Thanks so much for your valuable input and for taking the time to share. There's a lot to chew on and contemplate there, all excellent thoughts.
  5. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    I feel your pain, friend. Been running around in a lot of the same circles trying to figure it out just like you are. Business ventures are a blast, and I like to win just like you do. When you consider the achievement penalty (tax) on winning though, it really robs the incentive right out of...
  6. B

    Poll:Most common personality profile among FIRE enthusiasts

    ENFPs are typically perfect matches for INTJs from what I've read and experienced. The second and third functions in the function stack of these two types are identical, only reversed in order. The first and last are opposite. It seems to result in a perfect mix of similarity and difference...
  7. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Love the road trip idea in your link, thank you for sharing that. Would be neat to see the country and stay warm doing it. Funny you mention farming.. For about 6 years, I've been helping a friend who runs a small family owned grain farm. I just run equipment.. plant in the spring, run...
  8. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Beautifully written. Thank you for taking the time to explain your thoughts on the matter. Excellent point about the fence project and how it sort of quieted the constant over analysis. Hadn't thought of it that way, but you're spot on. I'll give that a shot, just going with the flow like...
  9. B

    Poll:Most common personality profile among FIRE enthusiasts

    You hit the nail on the head. INTJs comprise only 2% of the population with female INTJs even more unusual at less than 1%. We are very misunderstood by others and it begins to feel like we're aliens, all alone and nobody understands. MBTI shows us that we're totally normal, in terms of what...
  10. B

    Poll:Most common personality profile among FIRE enthusiasts

    Thank you. I apologize for the redundancy. Typical rookie mistake...
  11. B

    Poll:Most common personality profile among FIRE enthusiasts

    After interacting with several other members, it seems that we have an abundance of members who have the INTJ personality profile. It's not surprising, given that the characteristics of that personality are very conducive to the notion of ER. Still, at only 2% of the population as a whole, INTJs...
  12. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Excellent point, love the idea. The key would be finding the right balance where one isn't surrounded by poverty, but also isn't surrounded by look-at-me elitists. It would probably be a trial and error exercise until the sweet spot on the spectrum was discovered. Thanks for your input!
  13. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    I've been doing what I want and only what I want for many years. The issue is, I've now pretty much done everything I wanted to do. It's a purposeless and unfulfilling existence. Those who are wealthy and satisfied with their daily life no doubt have something meaningful to do each day. I...
  14. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Absolutely crossed my mind. It would be a valuable skill and a pleasure to soak up all the useful knowledge. I'm just not one to sit in a classroom, and certainly would struggle taking a bunch of unrelated, useless, but necessary prerequisites before I could get busy learning what it is I...
  15. B

    FIREd @ 26, bored to absolute tears!

    Seems there are an abundance of INTJs here. I should've known that would be the case, but what a pleasant surprise! Midwest winters have been a festering issue for me for several years with each year getting worse than the last. The writing seems to be on the wall that a move to the...
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