Recent content by bushpilot

  1. B

    What Holding R U Considering Giving Up On ?

    I probably bought those from you. You want them back? I am willing to sell them at cost ... ;)
  2. B

    anyone know where the market will hit bottom?

    Nobody knows, that is part of the nature of risk. That is the reason why stocks generally offer greater return than less risky investments. Suggested action points: - Fund the IRA now. - Schedule one-tenth (or whatever fraction you wish) of the total into stocks each month. Automate it, do not...
  3. B

    Proposed New Retirement Product from Fidelity

    It looks like Schwab is offerring something similar.
  4. B

    S & P Index (SPY)

    I am becoming less a fan of index funds all the time, and this is THE index fund. I fear the market cap weighting will eventually (soon) turn on us. Of course, history shows that I am likely wrong, but for my portfolio, I am trying to value tilt my equities a little more.
  5. B

    Unexpected changes in post-retirement expenses

    We're burning more firewood, but no distinguishable change in cost, since we do it ourselves. More work though. Electricity has gone up to about $60, whereas it used to be $55. I assume most of that is because of increased water consumption from the well.
  6. B

    Cancel internet and sign up again as new customer?

    You would think so, but I have never found an "opening." Whether calling or online, the result is the same. I try a few times a year. I asked to be on a waiting list, and was told they don't do that. Once I got through online, and had an installation appointment scheduled. They never showed up...
  7. B

    Cancel internet and sign up again as new customer?

    I have (in the past) done fine with the quit and change tactic. But, in this "new" house (been here 6 years), we can't get either DSL or cable internet. I bring that up, because the previous occupants had comcast, and we assumed that we would do the same when we moved in. But their sytem is...
  8. B

    self employment taxes

    Interesting, thank you.
  9. B

    self employment taxes

    Thank you for the responses. I will be back here if I have any further questions. It is good to hear thatt he interest/penalties in my case should be minimal, I am still scarred from the last time I made a significant tax error.
  10. B

    self employment taxes

    First year in retirement, 56 years of age. I retired from formal employment mid-year, and then ramped up a side gig that I have been doing for a while. I have always paid taxes on the side-gig income, and will continue to do so going forward. However, in the past, it was insignificant, tax-wise...
  11. B

    2020 ACA Costs, What did you Actually Spend for Coverage?

    $2.09 / month for a bronze plan.
  12. B

    Anyone Comfortably Retired With Retirement Savings Under the Million Mark?

    Yep, just retired this year, so we'll see how it works. But I will never see my stash hit $1 million. And I don't have a pension (unless you count $119 / month as a pension). I'm pretty sure I will make it fine.
  13. B

    I am retired...from voting

    I quit voting a little over a decade ago, and have no regrets. They can have their games, I don't play.
  14. B

    thoughts on jury duty

    Never been called, hoping to never be called. I consider forced "service" a form of slavery.
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