Recent content by chasesfish

  1. chasesfish

    Q: Worst part of your j*b?

    Brewer - have you thought about taking the trip and emailing your resignation letter then? I don't know how well the timing works
  2. chasesfish

    Highly Stressed

    Congrats. With your level of savings, you do have choices, just enjoy the time off and start downsizing expenses. Life's too short.
  3. chasesfish

    Q: Worst part of your j*b?

    I'm about to go with thirteen people in my office for more compliance training, even though we only have 11 (out of around 750) clients in my office that this type of compliance applies to....
  4. chasesfish

    Should I postpone investing to pay off student loans

    Pay loans, it's not even close
  5. chasesfish

    Q: Worst part of your j*b?

    Thank you for posting this. I'm in a situation where I feel passed up for middle management, but the rewards are really small relative to the crap that comes with the job. Maybe one day I'll stop aspiring for it.
  6. chasesfish

    FIRE'd: The "FI" part is great, the "RE" part not so much for me anymore

    I just picked up on this thread - be very careful on franchises and businesses sold through a business broker. Most are just selling you a job. This is coming from a banker that sees financials every day on small businesses. Don't go near a gas station or non-food retail. The only franchises...
  7. chasesfish

    The most screwed-up thing I ever heard of...

    Who represented they owned the house in the lease? If the realtor is part of a management company, he may not be aware that the owner isn't paying the rent and she should be protected if its a valid lease. if the realtor represented they were the owner and were not, I would go after their firm...
  8. chasesfish

    Simple IRA - reduce contributions?

    That's interesting, I'll need to look at the MM fund to see if I can avoid the load. I'm still maxing my 401k, which comes out to around $22k a year thanks to my employers generous match. I'm then putting another 15k each year into my employers deferred comp plan, which pays out in 180...
  9. chasesfish

    Simple IRA - reduce contributions?

    I'm debating whether or not to reduce my wife's Simple contributions. We currently put $12,000/year in, but only need to put $5.000 in to get the full match. We would take the deter-tax difference and invest them in our taxable account. Federal + State marginal tax rate is 34% and we will be...
  10. chasesfish

    Shhhhh...Wellington closes to new investors...

    The next step for Wellington would be to close it to all new investors, including those buying through vanguard. The current restrictions hurt me because I hadn't added Wellington in my largest account, the self directed portion of my 401k. I can't move that either.
  11. chasesfish

    Financial Advisors in Charleston, SC

    Yep, thats crazy and awesome at the same time
  12. chasesfish

    Need Advice RE Purchasing Land

    A margin line is a line of credit secured by your taxable investments. You can get up to 50% of their value in a line of credit, typically at a good rate. The risk is if you get part 75% loan to value, you have to put in more money or your stocks will be liquidated to payoff the line.
  13. chasesfish

    Need Advice RE Purchasing Land

    #1 - Do it. Land isn't the worst investment as long as you're not trying to speculate #2 - Bank financing is out there, but it is really cost prohibitive on land. Use your Heloc or a margin line on your taxable accounts, whichever is less. I'm sure you'll pay it back quickly with your...
  14. chasesfish

    Followup to "Thinking about pulling out of rat race at 32 - - good or bad idea?"

    Congrats, level 2 kicked my rear end six or seven years ago (do they still make you hand/TI calculate derivative values?). I can tell your in finance with a larger firm as am I. These jobs come with good pay, high stress, and a narrow pyramid to climb to the top. If you ever get a manager you...
  15. chasesfish

    Highly Stressed

    I understand the challenge. I would absolutely retire from your primary job. Is being a part-time charter pilot an option for you? I know very little about the industry, but it seems like that would be a little less stressful with lower pay, I don't have any suggestions regarding the house...
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