Recent content by donheff

  1. donheff

    In Your City - What Are The Most Desirable Neighborhoods and Why?

    DW and I have been in the same house on DC's Capitol Hill neighborhood for 42 years. It has a nice mix of families that have been here for many years and new and often transitory politicians and other government types. It is very walkable with restaurants, groceries, libraries, parks and...
  2. donheff

    Food Triggered Irregular Heart Rhythm?

    Yeah, heart arrythmias are weird. I get a brief bought of SVT about once every six months, almost always while riding a bike. I get dizzy and weak and immediately pull over and lay down. Within five or ten minutes they stop and I can proceed. My cardiologist recommends a wait and see...
  3. donheff

    Not much point in Roth conversions?

    It is a complicated calculation, particularly if the OP has to pay taxes for the conversion from tIRA funds, or even taxable funds with a lot of CGs. We have been in a higher bracket for a long time and made some large conversions, but it still feels like a leap of faith.
  4. donheff

    awash in space aliens

    Maybe he is a Scientologist. Their secret documents make such a claim for one of Saturn's moons. I remember reading about it in their "top secret" Thetan documents that were leaked on the Internet in the 90s.
  5. donheff

    $15 to drive into new york city

    I like visiting NYC and welcome the change. Public transportation there is good and taxis and other ride service are everywhere for the well-heeled. Leave the car behind. Do the same if you visit DC. I just returned from a biking trip in the Netherlands to see the tulips and marveled once...
  6. donheff

    what office software product do you use?

    I decided to go with Office 365 since it comes with a Terabyte of cloud storage that I can use to backup my primary PC (including my documents and travel photos). I could get by on Google Docs and Sheets but why not use Word and Excell when I get cloud space that I need for backup and would...
  7. donheff

    Bid to upgrade flights?

    I will be interested in your results. On bike tours in Europe that include flights, I usually do BC overnight outbound and Premium Plus or whatever they call it back. I would bid for a plus if it wasn't available in the package. But I have no info on strategies.
  8. donheff

    What have you read recently?

    You guys have better memories than me. I have read all of those and believe I liked them but I don’t remember much about them. It would take me 50-100 pages to provoke an “oh yeah” moment.
  9. donheff

    What have you read recently?

    I have been reading several of John Scalzi's Old Man's War series of SF books while on vacation. I think I am getting close to the end after many years. Scalsi is a good SF adventure yarn weaver.
  10. donheff

    QCD confused

    That part is fine. The check must be from the IRA to the organization. It doesn't matter whether you mail it or the company mails it. The mistake would be to take some or all of a distribution to you and then send that money to the charity indirectly (e.g. with a check from a taxable account...
  11. donheff

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    I just logged in for the first time. I’m on a bike and barge tour in the Netherlands. I like it so far. I was particularly glad to see that new threads are showing up in my RSS feed. The don’t show the user name but that’s not fatal and may be fixable.
  12. donheff

    Forum Downtime - software update scheduled April 23/24

    Walt - if you were replying to my question, I am interested only in whether the new site will support RSS when it is up and running.
  13. donheff

    Forum Downtime - software update scheduled April 23/24

    I use an RSS feed to keep an eye on new threads from the current forum. Does anyone know whether I will be able to continue that with the new system?
  14. donheff

    Medicare - False Diagnosis ??

    Interesting thread. I would be (or now maybe would have been) shocked to see that phrase appear on my medical records without a clear discussion. Any doctor who just tosses stuff like this out without explanation disserves to be reported for fraud just to catch his or her attention.
  15. donheff

    Condo common area cleaning dilemma

    An actual "tragedy of the commons" problem. I don't see a good answer for this one. There are a lot of reasons why someone would be unable to put in the work or just doesn't want to. This matter sounds like you will have to pay for the service or work it out voluntarily, which is the...
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