Recent content by EvanC

  1. E

    Restaurant adding fee for use of credit card

    This is such a distressing conversation for me. I have literally not carried more than a few dollars worth of cash for 50 years. I charge everything and pay my credit card off each month. The thought of having to change the way that I live my financial life is distressing. I am frugal that 3% is...
  2. E

    Restaurant adding fee for use of credit card

    Slightly off-topic, but I am curious I had a waiter friend, tell me that it is not the waiters fault if the meal is lousy as long as he did his job. The quality and timing of the meal is not the servers fault and should not reflect on the tip. I personally disagree and think the tip is...
  3. E

    Restaurant adding fee for use of credit card

    I just struck me I yesterday bought an HVAC system $400 off for check. I want the service from them big deal. I like the choice....on some things Life is complicated
  4. E

    Restaurant adding fee for use of credit card

    It is what it is. I don't like the tip added but these days there it is. Hidden fees I would choose a different restaurant....unless I want to eat there. As you age you can bet on change its all in how you deal with it. CC are for convenience generally I shop where it is convenient.....If a...
  5. E

    Long Wait Time to get Appointment with Dermatologist

    I go once a year. And I make the appointment a year out. I did go to have something checked out and the wait time was about two weeks. FWIW my small dermatologist office has just been purchased by a large conglomerate, so we’ll see what the future brings I highlighted takes a week here in NW...
  6. E

    Retirement account beneficiaries

    I ours Wills it was called the “doomsday clause” We chose a dear third cousin who is currently five years old. i’m pretty sure we won’t need the doomsday clause but I sure wish I could see her face if we did. What a joy.
  7. E

    Too much money in IRA

    Getting a spouse's 401k puts one of us into another tax bracket. Truthfully we needed to redo the Will. This one got far more complicated than I wanted it to be. This is a new lawyer for us, our old family lawyer, retired. I'll revisit it in 5 years and see if I can make it simpler for the kids...
  8. E

    Too much money in IRA

    Putting the spouses money in a trust was tax bracket related. I suspect the stray comment about having too much in an IRA might’ve had something to do with Medicaid and not having nursing home insurance.
  9. E

    Too much money in IRA

    Too much money in IRA? I'm a novice here and more of a saver than a spender. I'm 68 and my wife is 70 Wife and I retired about 17 years ago and took SS at 62. For us, we live a very good life. We just re-did our Wills. A traditional Will for general combined money and the stuff. Then upon...
  10. E

    Taylor Swift

    Yep that’s what I read as well. And I would agree with this post 100% It was a nice photo too. I also like to add,if you love music, you love all kinds.
  11. E

    Any Effective Tinnitus Therapies?

    Simply to add to the discussion, I have tinnitus, and I have had it for years. I joke that I have “rock ‘n’ roll” ears. I can’t say for sure, but I think mine comes from too many concerts with great seats. I have learned to ignore it… for the most part
  12. E

    Speaking of Medicare part D

    Speaking of Medical Part D We’re in Maryland and have a Well Care Value Script PDP, Part D. Most of our drugs are tier 1 or 2. Recently I was put on a tier 3, cholesterol med that was $178 for three months. My question is does that $178 go toward my deductible and once I’ve met my deductible...
  13. E

    Is this forum active?

  14. E

    Talking to 'regular folks'

    Agreed! I retired at age 51. Honestly, most people don’t care it’s just conversation. Be honest without being smug.
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