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    • G
      The average, disciplined member of this forum could make 500k/10 years work. The Shakespearean character of the OP had no chance...
    • G
      I got made fun of, once, because I used/use hand bars for the bath. Works for me.
    • G
      Purchased my Winter wheels (rims and tires) in December; put them on in the new year. Anyone go from Summer tires to Winter tires, in...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread Funny Joke Thread 2021 to ?.
      Scientists have discovered a significant hereditary link to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). They say it runs in the genes.
    • G
      You guys and your fancy $2 bars of soap. My bars tend to break in half, near end-of-life. One more shower each half and that's it. I do...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread New Car Advice.
      I am late to the party, to recommend Subaru, but I was glad when I read that you opened up to purchasing one. I am on my second one, and...
    • G
      I appreciate the anecdotes, but I think the average degree-holder outpaces the non-degree holder in lifetime earnings; just one metric...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread Tattoos, anyone?.
      Not a fan of needles, which is an understatement. I appreciate Art, but I also like to change my desktop wallpaper, and posters before...
    • G
      I would still be buying new releases on DVD, if my local department store didn't stop selling them. I am being forced to adjust by my...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread Mystery Drones.
      I heard/read in a news report that a possible explanation is that the FAA opened up the rules about drones flying at night. Makes sense...
    • G
      401k balance survey, but from polled questions as opposed to a retirement broker reporting account balances, which may or may not...
    • G
      Not worried about SS. I try to prepare for the worst and my expected worst in this case is a 25% trim to SS benefits. It I was worried...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread Gifting dilemma.
      "Younger son, we are gifting you X amount so you can buy a house." "Older son, we are setting aside X amount for you, when you may have...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread Glass Cleaner?.
      I just use Windex for the side windows, vinegar Windex if I can find it, but not during the winter. For the windshield however, I do a...
    • G
      GamblingMan replied to the thread Food budget?.
      I haven't budgeted for food since the last lean period (a layoff in the family). My waistline and my jeans think I should start budgeting.
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