Recent content by Ginamalou

  1. G

    31 and would like to retire in 25 years with at least 1 million..... How?

    I'm like you,only,I 'm already here.You're still on your way. It's dreadful,but I'm positive.I have a husband who have 401k.At this time I already got and spending my 401k we are paying our mortgage .Children out the house my son on his own ,however,my daughter we helped only few bucks. I will...
  2. G

    31 and would like to retire in 25 years with at least 1 million..... How?

    More power to you.But there must be other ways.Typical American on a typical day usually eat out!But ..........let's hope it averages.
  3. G

    I find new ways looking at things,i never knew before.!

    Free times make for a good haul of looking,doing and making up for lost time you think you might have missed before ,so let me check it out.
  4. G

    I may or may not want to retire early

    It's a sign of time,for things to be in upheaval of something ,I don't know?Time is of the essence.However,I'm okay taking my time doing what I 'm supposed to do at a given moment.Like waking up when my alarm went on at the sound of a duck.I 'm a prayerful person and so I go to mass,then do...
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