Recent content by GoulashBrother

  1. G

    Retired at 55

    I was informed in October that I was to be laid off in December. I have been unemployed sine Jan 1 2öö5. Currently live in Eastern Europe with wife and six month old child. After working so long it is difficult to suddenly stop, but spending time with my family, especially with my little son. I...
  2. G

    Maximizing portfolio return with very low risk

    I was just informed that my last day on the job is next month. I will be 55 in July so I can take an early retirement then but I have a problem that hopefully one of you can help me with. I have about 200K in my 401K that I want to turn over into a mutual fund. In fact I want to put it all into...
  3. G

    What do you do? What did you do?

    Worked for a couple of hearing aid manufacturers as a salesrep/manager and traveled all over the US. Sold real estate in California for 15 years. While surfing the net in 1995 while there were only news groups and no websites, I volunteered as a translator for the Bosnian Peacekeeping Mission...
  4. G

    What are you thankful for?

    Haveing been stationed in Hungary and Bosnia for the past eight years I have a lot to be thankful for. I need to work with my company for one more year to get an early pension and ER, and I just found out last month that I might be laid off. However, it is not the end of the world and things...
  5. G

    Opportunity Cost Of Kids

    Just to put my two cents in...I'm 54 years old, have a 31 year old wife and our son was born on the 25th of October. This child has added so much to our lives in such a short time, and it cannot be measured in dollars and cents. As I prepare to retire early, I will be able to spend quality...
  6. G

    Introduce yourself here

    Lex, You sound tired and burned out. Quit while you have your health and get a life. As far as your ex is concerned, she took your money so what. Money is not everything. Also, do you know why divorce is so expensive? Because it's worth it. Welcome to the forum, and I look forward to learning...
  7. G

    Who Are You Voting For?

    My absentee vote went to Bush. We have to give him a chance to finish what he started. As far as Kerry is concerned, I'm a Vietnam veteran and Kerry is no hero. >:(
  8. G

    Introduce yourself here

    John, No, I'm not single, in fact I'm on my third and last wife. I finally realized that divorce is too expensive so thw next time I will either leave her or kill her :D just kidding. Actually, I have a very young wife, and I will be a father again in November. It's going to be a boy. My other...
  9. G

    Introduce yourself here

    My name is Steve, I'm 54 years old, and I'm going to retire next year. I just bought a new Harley, will eventually ship it to Europe and travel the continent. Can't wait to quit my job. I am tired of working for someone else, and next year on December 31st I'm going to tell them to take their...
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