Recent content by gshultz5

  1. G

    Selling out, need advice

    OldShooter your concerns are also mine. The building we have a first on the deed. Lack of payments on this would make me a landlord. The loan on the business the borrower is also a member of the LLC that owns the building. So if he can’t pay one or both payments I gain equity in the building...
  2. G

    Selling out, need advice

    You guys are great, what a wealth of helpful information. I love the bucket idea, my brain works that way. As for the .0000002% I’m going to have to pass this by my controller, my wife. Thanks again.
  3. G

    Selling out, need advice

    The health care issue is covered inside the additional 3000k income required. Wife is a teacher so we are handed the golden goose and are able to continue our current BCBS plan until 65. That cost will be about 700 per month. State is paying the balance until they can’t afford it. Haha.
  4. G

    Selling out, need advice

    pb4uski This is awesome info, thanks for the ideas. I’m not worried about FOMO that much, I just want a solid plan that I can rely on. As my investment knowledge grows I’m sure I will adjust. What I’ve done my whole life in business. Not a 1% guy but not starving. Thanks again for your help.
  5. G

    Selling out, need advice

    Ok so 1.4 m, if I use the 250k 20 year loan as my personal annuity I’m then left with 1.150,000 Using that, income is 4000 per month while not collecting SS. So for the next 5 years I’ll need an additional 3000 per month. Then SS kicks in at 67 wife an I will be about 4k per month. We are...
  6. G

    Selling out, need advice

    Your totally correct. I have one, but I’d like to see what real people think. You folks are dealing with your own money not someone else’s.
  7. G

    Selling out, need advice

    Looking for ideas need advise. I’m selling my business soon it should finalize in three weeks, around 12/18/20. How would you handle this portfolio. My total net worth is about 2,100,000.00 Home 700,000 401k 200,000 Business sale Loan on building 250,000 5% 20 years Loan on business 200,000...
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