Harpy Eagle

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    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread Tipping home movers.
      $50 each seems reasonable if you have any amount of heavy things or a lot of boxes. That is what I tipped the people that moved us...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle reacted to Midpack's post in the thread Tipping home movers with Like Like.
      Depends on the job they do, but our 750 mile whole house move in 2019 the four guys didn’t break anything, and made one small nick in a...
    • Harpy Eagle
      And the whole 3 days early thing is such a weird gimmick, once you get it 3 days early the first time you will then after get it every...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread NFL 2024.
      So, it seems that Daniel Jones was not the problem with the Giants. He got a raw deal.
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread Kindle fans?.
      I will check it out, thanks!
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle reacted to badatmath's post in the thread Kindle fans? with Thanks Thanks.
      Yes, overdrive is free if your library offers it.
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread Kindle fans?.
      I see what you are saying. I have never tried Overdrive, is it free like Hoopla?
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle reacted to cathy63's post in the thread Kindle fans? with Like Like.
      These books are embedded in the Hoopla app. You can't download the files separately and read them with an e-ink Kindle or Adobe Digital...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread Kindle fans?.
      I can download Hoopla books to my Samsung tablet and my phone. I get Ebooks for the tablet and audio books for my phone and can...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle reacted to ut2sua's post in the thread PRR 401k vs IRA. with Thanks Thanks.
      This is good. As long as you will be at peace with your decision going forward, everything is good.
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle reacted to Koolau's post in the thread Food budget? with Thanks Thanks.
      I agree that it's important to have a life as you prepare for retirement. I often say "You can do anything, you just can't do...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread PRR 401k vs IRA..
      There is a bit more risk, but I am still a good 6 years till I will need to touch it, if ten. It does make sense, we knew the risk but...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread Food budget?.
      I love cooking, a passion I found after getting out of the Marine Corps and having more time on my hands. We are still in the...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread PRR 401k vs IRA..
      With the TSP there are 5 Funds, 1. Common Stock Index Investment Fund 2. Government Securities Investment Fund 3. Fixed Income Index...
    • Harpy Eagle
      Harpy Eagle replied to the thread Food budget?.
      I have to admit I have not tracked food spending outside of eating out for years. We used to have to pinch every penny and bought the...
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