Recent content by HockeyMike35

  1. H

    22 Years Old and wanting more...

    I watched that show this weekend. They had two women who made $17,000 on a 4 month flip. In small print they mentioned this was before realestate fees. The math they did.... $117,000 sale price - ($52,000 purchase price +$50,000 upgades) = $17,000 :D Real math $117,000 sale price - ($3000...
  2. H

    Taxes in Retirement

    Sorry if I am asking to many questions at once. So if my 401(k) or Rollover IRA are taxed at normal income rates....... Then does the income I get from my Roth or taxable change the tax bracket my 401(k) is taxed in? Example $25,000 from Roth and Taxable accounts $25,000 from 401(K) Am I in...
  3. H

    Taxes in Retirement

    I am trying to understand some basics about taxes in retirement. I have 3 accounts a taxable, a Roth IRA and a 401(K). I know about 72(t) and how that works. My question is how are each of these taxed? Roth- No taxes Taxable- Long term capitol gains rate 15% (On investment gains only) 401(K)...
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