Recent content by newporttony

  1. N

    ING Direct offers 2.99% 5-year mortgage

    I took advantage of the 3.5% deal in June and called them today about getting my rate reduced. I was told that, once I have been a customer for 6 months, they will reduce my rate and extend my maturity (to 5 years from the reset date) for a fee equal to one month's p&i payment. I assume this...
  2. N

    OK- OK- Question for the Market Timers/AA

    I'm not up for even guessing--I'm just totally demoralized. Hindenburg Omens, death crosses, head and shoulder patterns, none of this stuff is supposed to be meaningful, buy somehow I think the pessimists will again be right. I will then get to hear "how could you not have seen this coming" from...
  3. N

    High paying govt jobs

    Even better--residents of fiscally conservative states like WY will see their federal income taxes raised so states like CA, IL, and NY can continue to spend.
  4. N

    More Doom & Gloom - 15 examples

    Let me guess the solution--tax the heck out of the rich to ensure everyone is poor.
  5. N

    New Medicare Tax

    Does anyone have any insight into whether the new 3.8% tax on investment income would apply to municipal bond interest?? I asked the question on the Vanguard forum and the thread was closed because it was deemed (no pun intended) to be too political.
  6. N

    Is 15% Enough for you to turn me in to the IRS?

    I think the Stasi in the former East Germany had a similar plan.
  7. N

    Bear Market Rally?

    FWIW, Jeremy Grantham believes this rally is probably "real" and is predicting S&P 500 at 1000 - 1100 by year end. He is also predicting a few years of weak growth. Normally I pay absolutely no attention to the market prognosticators, but I think Grantham is more thoughtful than most and he...
  8. N

    The Bonus Tax - Opinion

    Agreed. However, the new proposals apparently will apply to all banks and financial services companies irrespective of whether they received TARP money. I am looking forward to a compensation cap for NBC and CNBC personalities as the result of GE receiving TARP money (although I won't hold my...
  9. N

    The Bonus Tax - Opinion

    I think compensation for athletes, TV personalities, and hollywood actors and actresses has gotten out of hand; shouldn't the government do something about that?
  10. N

    The Bonus Tax - Opinion

    And beyond the taxing of the AIG bonuses and the obvious hypocracy thereof, these people now ant to take it further and regulate compensation for all financial services companies (irrespective of whether they have taken bailout money). It is a slippery slope that doesn't end until they have...
  11. N

    The Bonus Tax - Opinion

    I'll get the tar and feathers. Just let me know the date and time.
  12. N

    The Bonus Tax - Opinion

    This just in on The Drudge Report. Only a matter of time before Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Dodd, Reid, and Frank will determine what Americans are allowed to earn. Obama will call for increased oversight of 'executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies' as part of...
  13. N

    So does this make everyone happy?

    I just caught a clip of some SEIU members marching outside the AIG offices with signs that said JUMP. Again, someone is going to get killed thanks to the lunatics in Washington.
  14. N

    So does this make everyone happy?

    I heard the Connecticut AG (Bloomenthal?) say that they are getting the names of the bonus recipients, although he promised they would exercise good judgment when deciding how much to share with the public. This populist (that's the word they use instead of class warfare or envy) craziness is...
  15. N

    The hopeless optimist's break-even game!

    I think I'm somewhere around 1100 as the result of aggressive buying on the way down (I had invested some lump sums at the 1300 - 1400 levels). I feel like the guy at the blackjack table just trying to get back to even so I can call it a day.
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