Recent content by oilspill

  1. O

    To report or not to report... renter's insurance

    When a basic item is needlessly converted to a luxury item, one is just asking for trouble.
  2. O

    Somewhere Over the Rainbow

    Sitting around the house all day, day after day, can turn a retirement into a punishment rather than a reward. If your impulse is not to jump off the work treadmill, you could be one of those who won't enjoy retirement. Perhaps do a "test retirement" to see how you like it.
  3. O

    Gifting to Children / Medicaid (Title 19)?

    As an alternative to nursing home, perhaps you could let someone live free in your house in exchange for taking care of you. When that gets to be too much for the caretaker, find someone else who needs the "job" more. Be creative and be flexible.
  4. O

    Anyone FIRE on less than a million?

    Anyone can retire at anytime with any amount of money. Just got to be flexible and creative, which unfortunately is sorely lacking as people age. So they rely instead on a pot of money. Do you see the problem right there? One moves from relying on oneself to relying on something. As for...
  5. O

    To report or not to report... renter's insurance

    To me $1400 is a ridiculous amount to spend on a bike. So what if it is 5 pounds lighter than a $50 bike. If 5 pounds is a lot of weight, then shed it off one's body instead. BTW, you may need a police report to file with your Visa card.
  6. O

    Clear Title

    In all fairness the OP may want to stop making payments. There is obvious confusion as to who the legitimate owner of the mortgage is. He could be sending money to the wrong group. For something as important as a house, the paperwork must be in order. Just like in a murder trial, your...
  7. O

    More people forced into ER and early social security

    Retirement for the masses is a modern Western invention. The patent on this invention is about to expire as per the law of nature. It is impossible for 1 worker to support 1 idle non-worker indefinitely, but that is the situation the US finds itself in (154M labor force vs 310M population)...
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    New Business

    need help/ buying and owning own bread route (small business, wholesale, sales) - incorporation, advertising, financing, small business... - City-Data Forum
  9. O

    Penfed Mortgage Rates Very Low again

    "Deflation" is a smokescreen thrown up so the Federal Govt can print trillions to inflate its way out of its debt.
  10. O

    Retired at 30 and Bored!

    You can be bored anywhere, anytime. Just this morning I was bored while yawning in bed. Then I got bored again after I unleashed a torrent down the loo in the evening. Trust me, being bored is quite normal. That said, boredom is a disease that infects idle people more easily than busy...
  11. O

    My blue period - lack of sunlight?

    Sunshine is absolutely necessary to charge a solar panel.
  12. O

    Welcome to Medicare

    Waiting until retirement age to worry about your health is like waiting until your funeral to buy a nice shirt. Might as well sit back and eat junk food and enjoy what's left of life.
  13. O

    Today was my last day

    Thanks for opening up a job for a younger person. I hope your company will backfill.
  14. O

    Feeling Empty after early retirement

    Life of laziness is a wicked curse. You'll get fat, you'll get bored. You'll develop bad habits. Better to find some meaningful work to do to rescue yourself from what could be a death spiral. I'm one of the few on here who advocate against early retirement for the sake of early retirement...
  15. O

    Expat Banking Issues - Any Suggestions?

    Without a US address, you'll find it difficult to open new bank accounts or credit card accounts in the future. Do you not a have a friend or relative who will let you use their address?
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