Recent content by One4g

  1. O

    Trade stocks in my rollover IRA?

    I currently am using my wifes rollover IRA to trade stocks with Fidelity, is this a good idea?  I pay 20 bucks per trade  :o I know way too much.  I have other retirement vehicles like my 401k, and both ROTHS.  This rollover will hopefully not be touched until when we retire  ::) In 20 years. ...
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    Target retirement choices?

    My wife and I are 35 years old and planning ER at 55 years old (crossing fingers). We currently have ROTH IRA's with Vanguard and Fildelity with Target Retirement 2035 funds. Should we switch them to 2025 funds or keep them at 2035?
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    Starting small with 2035 portfolios

    I feel much better...thank you all. Once we get our debt under control. We Will be maximizing the contribution limits in about 2-3 years (thankfully, no CC debt).
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    Starting small with 2035 portfolios

    Hello all! Love this website, I would love to retire early...Ok here is my first question- What do you all think about the Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 and the Fidelity Freedom Fund 2035 portfolios? My wife and I both opened up a Roth IRA ($1000), Mine Vanguard, hers Fidelity. Both with...
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