Recent content by orangepjs

  1. O

    37 yo mom, enjoying tracking net worth and learning about finances

    Thanks for your responses! I grew up with a savings mentality from my parents and so that's a soild habit I have. When I was working, we saved my whole paycheck (most of the time :). Currently with one income, we're annually contributing $34,000 to retirement accounts and the HSA. And another...
  2. O

    37 yo mom, enjoying tracking net worth and learning about finances

    Hi! I have been reading this board for well over a year. The main reason I joined with an account is so that I can see photos. Ha! I love reading about everyone's stories and where they are on their ER path. I am a 37 mom to my 5 year old son. I quit my job after 10 years at my company. DH is...
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