Recent content by retireby5560

  1. R

    How did you decide/plan to ER?

    We decided to retire by ages 55 and 60. 55 for my dear husband because with rule of 85 he can retire from his company. 60 for me just because I wanted to. Health issues are our reasons ( so far we are healthy it is the longevity of our family is not that great). We paid off our primary...
  2. R

    married couple from the bay area california

    Mortgage rate is 4.25%
  3. R

    married couple from the bay area california

    Hi! We are 41/42 year-old couple from the bay area planning to retire at age 55 and 60. I just want to say all your stories are inspiring. I do have a question, we are planning to pay off our 2 rentals in Las Vegas in the next 10 years and this would replace the income of my DH so he can retire...
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