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      ripper1 replied to the thread Ancestry.com.
      Thanks everybody. Yeah, it takes a bit of getting used to
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      ripper1 posted the thread Ancestry.com in Other topics.
      I just joined Ancestry.com. Finding it hard to navigate. Seems like everything I look for has an additional fee. Anyone here use this...
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      ripper1 posted the thread LA fires in Other topics.
      I read an article about home owner insurance will spike nationwide because of fires in LA. Does this seem plausible. I have USAA and it...
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      I have a friend whose grandsons baseball team is doing a SB square table for charity. The squares are 50 dollars a piece so the grand...
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      ripper1 replied to the thread Rollover.
      Thanks Audreyh1
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      ripper1 replied to the thread Rollover.
      OK........duh...I got it now. Thanks folks
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      ripper1 replied to the thread Rollover.
      why am I not getting this. So the 3600 distribution will be reflected in the current price when they are rolled over. Sorry for not so...
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      ripper1 replied to the thread Rollover.
      Maybe should wait until end of year. The distributions and capital gain from close to 500k account is pretty substantial.
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      ripper1 replied to the thread Rollover.
      Been told it would go into a cash account and then I would be able to choose funds.
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      ripper1 posted the thread Rollover in FIRE and Money.
      I'm in the process of doing a rollover from my 457b account to a traditional ira at Vanguard. If the money gets to Vanguard before the...
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      ripper1 replied to the thread leaving market.
      Yes, a son and a daughter who will split.
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      ripper1 replied to the thread leaving market.
      Thanks all. Have a lot to think about. But no matter what I decide I feel we are in a good place:unsure::greetings10:
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      ripper1 replied to the thread leaving market.
      3% compounded annually pension.
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      ripper1 replied to the thread leaving market.
      Not really. Don't know how what will happen in 2025 after current taxes sunset.
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      ripper1 posted the thread leaving market in FIRE and Money.
      Hi Folks. I think we are pulling the plug on stocks. Currently at 55/45. We both are 70 yrs old and have pension and ss that more than...
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