Recent content by RockyMNHiker

  1. R

    2024 Umbrella Policy costs

    $203 and holding over the last 5 years. Three cars and homeowners also. State Farm. St. Paul, MN. $2M coverage
  2. R

    "Proof" of income for ACA healthcare subsidies

    Thank you all for the help! We will make maximum contributions to the HSA accounts to fully fund the HSA while reducing this years' MAGI. We will enroll in a High Deductible HSA-approved plan in the Market. We will probably sell some NQ MF at a loss to eek under the 69.9K ACA limit. We will...
  3. R

    "Proof" of income for ACA healthcare subsidies

    I am retired and have been living off 72t withdrawls and NQ savings for the last 4 years. I have been on my wife's megacorp health insurance since retirement, but she is retiring July 1st this year and we need health insurance. Cobra is $$$$$$. tells us to go to our state's...
  4. R

    2020 Spending Summary and Analysis

    Automobile3,018.97 Bank Charges224.67 Clothing34.99 Education14.97 Food6,173.41 Furnishings613.13 Gifts415.07 Housing827.12 Insurance3,281.63 Interest Expense5,137.19 Leisure11,903.50 Miscellaneous53.42 Personal Care34.00 Pets40.66 Taxes10,311.50 Utilities2,250.05 Vacation1,084.06 TOTAL...
  5. R

    Am I overlooking a better option?

    I have a saying when people bother me about being cheap, and I turn the tables: "A pound here and a pound there and pretty soon you are 300 pounds." Go ahead and find cheap or free software. I'd do the same thing.
  6. R

    Life without Sequence of Returns Risk (SORR)

    Ummm, not sure what contest you think you entered, but dying with the most money in the bank is nothing to be proud of.
  7. R

    Quicken Upgrade Question

    I'm not sure why, but I've been tracking all accounts and credit cards starting in 1992 (starting with the original MS Money--I really miss that program), and my file is only 32 Mb. I manually input every transaction since Quicken 2011 'expired' the online access. Maybe if you have a large...
  8. R

    Quicken Deluxe 2016

    If some people here are having compatibility problems running very old versions of Quicken, why not try using Windows compatibility mode as follows: Right-click on the Quicken launch icon>Properties>Compatibility>Checkbox for Compatibility Mode>{Pick one, such as XP}. Good Luck. I'm running...
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