Recent content by StartingPath2Freedom

  1. S

    Saving Money

    I agree and that is what I have started doing. I will be paying this loan off with approx 300 a month when the min is 200. I am investing in my daughters college fund and building an emergency fund at the same time. I'm actually living a little too below my income but I will be okay with that...
  2. S

    Interest on savings

    Isn't the market average 7% after inflation?
  3. S

    Saving Money

    @ERD50 I agree 100%. I am extremely analytical so much so that I'm even questioning my career path. I don't need emotional support from paying off a debt in full. I obtain motivation from being able to maximize my dollar and the potential growth of that dollar in the future. This whole path to...
  4. S

    Saving Money

    Hello all my name is Brian. To learn a little more about my situation you can see my intro in Hi, I am.. thread. So I currently in a decent amount of unsecured debt that have very high interest. I decide to take a personal loan through my credit union and was able to save myself ~10-13%...
  5. S

    Reality Sinking In

    Thank you for all the support! I have some questions about my 503(b) account and how I have it allocated. I'm not sure if this should be posted in a different sub so please excuse me if so. Basically I wanted to determine what funds I should use and how to allocate. Obviously you don't know...
  6. S

    Reality Sinking In

    In regards to the FL prepaid if she was to go out of state, I would get the value that I put in. Which most likely will not pay out of state tuition. I'm open to other options, especially something that could increase in value. I believe 529 is tied to the market isn't it? I haven't looked into...
  7. S

    Reality Sinking In

    Last night I did write up a budget of my fixed expenses. I am currently coming up with a plan to cut wasteful spending i.e. Bring lunch to work, stopping smoking (if becoming FIRE is as difficult as that I may be in trouble) and limiting eating out. All other wasteful spending I have cut. In...
  8. S

    Reality Sinking In

    Thank you all for the encouragement so far! Can anyone direct me to a forum or provide advice as to what the recommend way is to start an emergency fund? I feel it is very important but my financial mind (crazy fact- I am a finance major and can become obsessed with numbers- it just so happened...
  9. S

    Reality Sinking In

    Hello All. My name is Brian. I just turned 30 and as I have mentioned reality is setting in. I am at the very beginning of a long road to be FIRE. BUT, I'm ready to buckle down and prepare for an early retirement as well as become at least financial stable by the end of this year. I have...
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